- Always format Python code using black
- Follow the guidelines from https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html, except:
** for Section 3, "Python Style rules" -- there
should prevail ** import (see 2.2), where import of functions and classes are authorized. - Code should be validated with
and the includedpylintrc
. - Documentation shall be updated for every commit which modify a class or method parameters.
- indent with space
- Do not add blank spaces at end of line
- Never align with tabs, always using spaces
- message in English
(for project maintainers)
- Add a tag in merge commit message (eg. [FEATURE] xxxxxxx )
: contains a new feature.[FIX]
: fix a bug[INTERNAL]
: no functional changes (refactoring, documentation, test, performance, etc...)[OTHER]
- Don't include if it should not be in release note.
- If the PR is linked to an issue, use github link in commit just after the tag. in merge commit, eg:
[FIX] Fixes #123 : event list title fixed
[FEATURE] Closes #124 : add info on event
Note: to generate release note:
for tag in FEATURE FIX INTERNAL OTHER ; do echo $tag:; git log --pretty="%s" --grep="\[$tag\]" v0.5..v0.6 ; echo; done