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August 4, 2018 Meeting Notes

Seung Woo Kim edited this page Aug 4, 2018 · 15 revisions

CodeChain developers meeting

  • Host: Kodebox
  • Date: Sat August 25th, 2018
  • Time: 10:00 - 19:00 KST
  • Location: 12F, 364, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • Attendees: 14
    • Kwang Yul Seo (Kodebox), Seulgi Kim (Kodebox), Juhyung Park (Kodebox), Gilyoung Kim (Kodebox), Seung Woo Kim (Kodebox), Geunwoo Kim (Kodebox), Dongjun Lee, Geosung Lee, Ji Young Song (SKT), Min June Kim (Spoqa), Jeeyong Um, Swen Mun(Spoqa), SeongChan Lee, Jun Beom Lee


1. Opening, welcome and roll call

Opening of the first hackathon hosted by CodeChain (Kwang Yul Seo). Unlike previous meetups, where developers barely had any time to get any serious work done, this hackathon allowed external contributors to gather with core developers of CodeChain to share ideas and code with each other. Lunch was spectacular as well.

2. CodeChain Weekly

Gilyoung Kim gave a presentation about CodeChain's updates that happened in the past week.

3. Presentations

  • How To Add A New Parcel Action (Park Juhyung) Park Juhyung introduced a new parcel action that can be used on CodeChain. As an example, he explained how to set a regular key.

  • Kwang Yul Seo presented the concept of tokens having ownership to other tokens. This is called Composable Tokens.

  • Seulgi Kim compared and contrasted Storage State technologies amongst different blockchains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and even CodeChain.

4. Discussions

  • Discussed potential attack vectors of PoW.
  • How to improve manual involving Tendermint configuration.

5. Code review

  • Disable stratum when internal sealing is used #538
  • Implement JSON RPC net_getPort #536

6. Adjournment