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Seulgi Kim edited this page Apr 19, 2019 · 15 revisions

CodeChain would be published irregularly using the semver syntax. You can see all future releases and change logs in here.

The public APIs of CodeChain are JSON RPC and Network Protocol. A major version would be released when one of them is changed without backward compatibility.

How to release binary

Before building the binary

  1. Change version in the Cargo.toml
  2. Change version in the codechain.yml
  3. Run cargo build to update Cargo.lock
  4. Add Cargo.lock to the commit

Run release build

touch codechain/ # It guarantees to update the commit hash.
cargo build --release

Calculate a checksum

Use sha256 for checksum

shasum -a 256 codechain

Compress the binary file

  • Set version
  • Compress the binary file
tar cvfz codechain-${CODECHAIN_VERSION}-$(uname -m)-$(echo $(uname) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').tar.gz codechain

Upload the binary file with checksum

  • template
| OS    | Binary                    | SHA256     |
| Linux | [{filename}]({file path}) | {checksum} |
| OS X  | [{filename}]({file path}) | {checksum} |