This is the regular brigade co-captains' planning meeting. It is open to anyone. Notes on decisions made will be posted after each meeting. Visit here for information about times and locations.
- Jesse will create an updated website with a blog that we can use to communicate news and events. He'll also connect that to Mailchimp so that we can promote through all channels: email, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Slack and Meetup.
- Eric will write up a blog post on the brigade co-creation process and nominations for the provisional National Advisory Council.
- We decided that the focus of the autumn hackathon should be the November election. We'll probably move it earlier in October.
- Eric will figure out what help we need for the re-entry book work session on 9/17 so that we can promote, if necessary.
- Jesse will be reaching out to people in the AVL Coders League and AVL Women in Tech to serve as liaisons to and representatives of those groups.
- In the near future we will undertake a small fundraising effort to get enough money to cover meeting and hackathon event expenses through the end of the year. Our target will be $500, although our hope is that we will be able to keep expenses well below that.
- Eric will attend the NC brigade captains' get-together in Greensboro on 8/20 and report back.
- Eric will announce his new role at the City on Slack in the next few days.
- The co-captains and several other brigade members will attend the Economic Justice workgroup meeting 8/18. A number of planning decisions are depend on the outcome of that and will be taken up at the next planning meeting.
We will have a re-entry book working session in September, tentatively 9/10 from 11am - 2pm, venue TBD. Eric will be responsible for prep for the session & will consult with likely participants re: date/time.
UPDATE: The working session is now set for 9/17/2016 11am-2pm.
We will begin planning a hackathon in October or November. Jesse will consult with folks on Slack re: date & begin planning.
Eric will set up a meetup event for this organizing meeting.
Eric will announce the brigade planning repo on Slack and invite feedback, especially on our draft goals for the rest of the year.
The next meeting will be 8/16, probably at Pack Library - Eric will set up and confirm.
Mostly we worked out details of the 7/20 gathering at Asheville Brewing. Other decisions/outcomes:
- Decided to set up this brigade-planning repository. The primary purpose is to ensure that the brigade planning process is open and accessible to anyone, whether they attend meetings or not. The issues section can also serve as a place for people to raise issues or ask questions.
- We will hold an organizing meeting every other Tuesday - the next meeting is 8/2/2016. The purpose of the meeting is general Code for Asheville planning and strategy. The meetings are open and anyone is welcome to attend, however, we won't promote or recruit people to attend. Notes from the meetings will be posted here.
- We discussed the need for guidelines for accepting projects. Initial points are in Project Guidelines.
Next meeting: 5:30pm on 8/2/2016 at Twisted Laurel.