CoedotzMagic Open Source Project.
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- CoedotzMagic-qatools Public
Keywords Tools Testing for QA Automation Test Running in Katalon Studio & Selenium
CoedotzMagic/CoedotzMagic-qatools’s past year of commit activity - footer-textAbout Public
CoedotzMagic/footer-textAbout’s past year of commit activity - AnimolzFeeder Public
Animolz Feeder (Automatic Cat Feeder with Ultrasonic Sensor / Pemberi makan kucing otomatis dengan sensor ultrasonik) Arduino Project by Audi, Imam & Coedotz
CoedotzMagic/AnimolzFeeder’s past year of commit activity - CosmicVenturesUnity3D Public
Cosmic Ventures with Unity3D Project by Modi, Imam, Wayan, Hipsi & Coedotz
CoedotzMagic/CosmicVenturesUnity3D’s past year of commit activity - YuuBaca-app Public
Aplikasi YuuBaca: Perpustakaan Digital, aplikasi yang dapat membantu siswa maupun masyarakat untuk membaca buku secara gratis, tanpa gangguan maupun iklan dimanapun dan kapanpun.
CoedotzMagic/YuuBaca-app’s past year of commit activity