Create SVG badges
npm install --save @collaborne/github-badges
- import in JS/TS files
import { createCoverageBadge } from '@collaborne/github-badges'
// Using default params
// Using different input path for coverage summary:
const inputPath= path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-other-folder', 'coverage-summary.json');
// Using different output file path for coverage badge:
const outputPath = path.resolve(__dirname,'my-other-folder', 'coverage', 'coverage-summary.json');
// Creating coverage badge SVG's(get summary from inputPath, and saved SVG's in the output path)
createCoverageBadge(inputPath, outputPath)
- as a script in package.json
scripts :{
"predeploy:coverage-badges": "create-coverage-badges"
By default uses for coverage report input: coverage/coverage-summary.json , and outputs created svg's into the same coverage folder.
Flags for input: --i
or -inputPath
Flags for output: --o
, --d
, -outputPath
or -dist
(c) 2023 Collaborne B.V. All rights reserved.