| 1 | +library(ggplot2) |
| 2 | +library(reshape2) |
| 3 | +Rcpp::sourceCpp("./bin/bin.cpp") |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +# NOTE: print raw buffer pasted |
| 6 | +pr <- function(v, sep) { |
| 7 | + v <- as.character(v) |
| 8 | + v <- paste(v, collapse = "") |
| 9 | + cat(v, sep) |
| 10 | +} |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +bin <- R6::R6Class( |
| 13 | + "bin", |
| 14 | + public = list( |
| 15 | + path = NULL, |
| 16 | + raw = NULL, |
| 17 | + raw_subset = NULL, |
| 18 | + initialize = function(path) { |
| 19 | + self$path <- path |
| 20 | + con <- file(path, "rb") |
| 21 | + size <- file.info(path)$size |
| 22 | + self$raw <- readBin(con, what = "raw", n = size) |
| 23 | + close(con) |
| 24 | + }, |
| 25 | + to_char = function(elem) { |
| 26 | + rawToChar(elem) |
| 27 | + }, |
| 28 | + to_uint8 = function(elem) { |
| 29 | + rawToChar(elem) |> CastToUint8() |
| 30 | + }, |
| 31 | + to_uint16 = function(vec) { |
| 32 | + vec <- as.character(vec) |
| 33 | + vec <- split(vec, rep(seq_len(length(vec) / 2), each = 2)) |
| 34 | + res <- lapply(vec, function(x) { |
| 35 | + # x <- rev(x) |
| 36 | + CastToUint16(x) |
| 37 | + }) |
| 38 | + names <- sapply(vec, function(i) { |
| 39 | + paste(i, collapse = "") |
| 40 | + }) |
| 41 | + names(res) <- names |
| 42 | + res |
| 43 | + }, |
| 44 | + to_uint32 = function(vec) { |
| 45 | + vec <- as.character(vec) |
| 46 | + vec <- split(vec, rep(seq_len(length(vec) / 4), each = 4)) |
| 47 | + res <- lapply(vec, CastToUint32) |
| 48 | + names <- sapply(vec, function(i) { |
| 49 | + paste(i, collapse = "") |
| 50 | + }) |
| 51 | + names(res) <- names |
| 52 | + res |
| 53 | + }, |
| 54 | + print_char = function(idx) { |
| 55 | + cat(" ") |
| 56 | + for (i in idx:(idx + 7)) { |
| 57 | + temp <- self$to_char(self$raw_subset[i]) |
| 58 | + if (temp == "") temp <- "." |
| 59 | + cat(temp, "\t") |
| 60 | + } |
| 61 | + cat("\n") |
| 62 | + }, |
| 63 | + print_uint8 = function(idx) { |
| 64 | + cat(" ") |
| 65 | + for (i in idx:(idx + 7)) { |
| 66 | + temp <- self$to_uint8(self$raw_subset[i]) |
| 67 | + if (temp == "") temp <- "." |
| 68 | + cat(temp, "\t") |
| 69 | + } |
| 70 | + cat("\n") |
| 71 | + }, |
| 72 | + print_uint16 = function(idx) { |
| 73 | + cat(" ") |
| 74 | + temp <- self$to_uint16(self$raw_subset[idx:(idx + 7)]) |
| 75 | + for (i in seq_along(temp)) { |
| 76 | + pr(names(temp)[i], "\t") |
| 77 | + cat(temp[[i]], "\t") |
| 78 | + } |
| 79 | + cat("\n") |
| 80 | + }, |
| 81 | + print_uint32 = function(idx) { |
| 82 | + cat(" ") |
| 83 | + temp <- self$to_uint32(self$raw_subset[idx:(idx + 7)]) |
| 84 | + for (i in seq_along(temp)) { |
| 85 | + pr(names(temp)[i], "\t\t") |
| 86 | + cat(temp[[i]], "\t") |
| 87 | + } |
| 88 | + cat("\n") |
| 89 | + }, |
| 90 | + print = function(range) { |
| 91 | + self$raw_subset <- self$raw[range] |
| 92 | + for (i in seq_along(self$raw_subset)) { |
| 93 | + cat(self$raw_subset[i], "\t") |
| 94 | + if (i %% 8 == 0) { |
| 95 | + cat("\n") |
| 96 | + self$print_char(i - 7) |
| 97 | + self$print_uint8(i - 7) |
| 98 | + self$print_uint16(i - 7) |
| 99 | + self$print_uint32(i - 7) |
| 100 | + cat("\n") |
| 101 | + cat("Elems: ", i + 1, " - ", i + 8, "\n") |
| 102 | + } |
| 103 | + } |
| 104 | + }, |
| 105 | + plot = function(range, type, op = NULL) { |
| 106 | + self$raw_subset <- self$raw[range] |
| 107 | + x <- NULL |
| 108 | + y <- NULL |
| 109 | + if (type == "uint8") { |
| 110 | + y <- sapply(self$raw_subset, self$to_uint8) |
| 111 | + x <- as.character(self$raw_subset) |
| 112 | + } else if (type == "uint16") { |
| 113 | + res <- self$to_uint16(self$raw_subset) |
| 114 | + x <- names(res) |
| 115 | + y <- unlist(res) |
| 116 | + attributes(y) <- NULL |
| 117 | + } else if (type == "uint32") { |
| 118 | + res <- self$to_uint32(self$raw_subset) |
| 119 | + x <- names(res) |
| 120 | + y <- unlist(res) |
| 121 | + attributes(y) <- NULL |
| 122 | + } else { |
| 123 | + stop("found unknown type") |
| 124 | + } |
| 125 | + if (!is.null(op)) { |
| 126 | + stopifnot("op has to be a function" = is.function(op)) |
| 127 | + y <- op(y) |
| 128 | + } |
| 129 | + colors <- rep(c("black", "darkred"), length.out = length(y)) |
| 130 | + bp <- barplot(y, names.arg = NULL, col = colors, border = "black") |
| 131 | + text( |
| 132 | + x = bp, |
| 133 | + y = par("usr")[3] - 1, |
| 134 | + labels = x, srt = 90, |
| 135 | + cex = 0.75, |
| 136 | + adj = 1, xpd = TRUE |
| 137 | + ) |
| 138 | + } |
| 139 | + ) |
| 140 | +) |
| 141 | + |
| 142 | +path <- "./tests/Chemstation/SVS_1025F1.D/MSD1.MS" |
| 143 | +b <- bin$new(path) |
| 144 | +# b$print(1:320) |
| 145 | + |
| 146 | +range <- 753:(753 + 4951) |
| 147 | +range <- range[seq(1, length(range), 2)] |
| 148 | +range <- range[seq(2, length(range), 2)] |
| 149 | +b$plot(range, "uint16") |
| 150 | + |
| 151 | +uint16_values <- b$to_uint16(b$raw_subset) |> unlist() |
| 152 | +bit_matrix <- uint16_to_bit_matrix(uint16_values) |
| 153 | +df <- melt(bit_matrix) |
| 154 | +colnames(bit_matrix) <- paste0("B_", 15:0) |
| 155 | +colnames(df) <- c("Idx", "Bit_Pos", "Value") |
| 156 | +df$Bit_Position <- as.numeric(gsub("B_", "", df$Bit_Pos)) |
| 157 | +ggplot(df, aes(x = Bit_Pos, y = Idx, fill = Value)) + |
| 158 | + geom_tile(width = 1, height = 5.5) + |
| 159 | + scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "black") + |
| 160 | + scale_x_reverse(breaks = 15:0) + |
| 161 | + labs( |
| 162 | + x = "Bit Position", y = "Number Index", |
| 163 | + title = "Bit Pattern of uint16 Values" |
| 164 | + ) + |
| 165 | + theme_minimal() |
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