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kasemir edited this page Jun 7, 2010 · 7 revisions

= Eclipse And CSS =

Eclipse is a Java-based framework for creating applications.

At its core is the extensible OSGi plug-in system. Application code is split into modular bundles called '''Plug-Ins'''. The Eclipse runtime loads required plug-ins and their dependencies. Plug-ins can describe software interfaces as '''Extension Points''', and other plug-ins then register their implementation of these interfaces in the Eclipse '''Registry''', allowing loose coupling of software components.

The Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) provides an extensive user interface framework based on extension points. While this was originally developed for the Eclipse Java IDE, RCP can be used independently from the IDE to create applications like CSS.

== Books, Online Sources ==

When looking for Books on Eclipse, note that you probably don't need books on the Eclipse IDE, since those are for general Java programming. Instead, look for books on RCP, SWT, JFace, Plug-ins, OSGi.

  • "eclipse Plug-ins, Third Edition" by Eric Clayberg, Dan Rubel (Addison-Wesley Professional) is an update to "Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins", which used to be ''the'' book on Eclipse, Plug-ins, RCP.
  • "Eclipse Rich Client Platform (2nd Edition)" as well as "OSGIi and Equinox", both by Jeff McAffer, Jean-Michel Lemieuxr, Chris Aniszczyk (Addison-Wesley Professional) seem to cover relevant topics as well

With Eclipse evolving at a rapid pace, all books quickly become obsolete. The online help of the Eclipse RCP IDE and a google search are often the fastest way to get specific information.

== Introduction to Eclipse/CSS Development ==

These slides from the Spring 2010 EPICS Collaboration Meeting hosted by ITER at Aix-en-Provence, France show

  1. Basic test-driven Java development in the Eclipse IDE,
  2. Bundling of code into Plug-ins, creating a simplistic IOC where the Eclipse Registry provides the "glue" between APIs for Records and Links and the actual implementations
  3. Building a minimal "Probe" type UI for CSS
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