An async task executor implementation for the entire app. Integrate this with sync apps to take advantage of async concurrency.
This is useful in sync applications like Django, where I/O calls an be delegated to the async executor from multiple threads to take advantage of async concurrency. This reduces the overall CPU time.
I've written a simple script( to test the performance difference.
URL:, API Calls: 10, Average of: 10
Async CPU Time: 0.0255071238, Sync CPU Time: 0.1154297789, Diff: -0.08992265510000001
URL:, API Calls: 100, Average of: 10
Async CPU Time: 0.25864718659999997, Sync CPU Time: 0.4066750969, Diff: -0.14802791029999998
URL:, API Calls: 10, Average of: 10
Async CPU Time: 0.1006329721, Sync CPU Time: 0.3036486956, Diff: -0.20301572350000002
URL:, API Calls: 100, Average of: 10
Async CPU Time: 0.5598390416, Sync CPU Time: 1.1786238077, Diff: -0.6187847661
It uses two clients(aiohttp & requests) for making HTTP API calls to two urls. In order to use multithreading for parallel calls, the script uses requests-futures with ThreadPoolExecutor with max workers as cpu count.
The result shows the CPU usage time(in seconds) of both taking an average of 10 runs. As the I/O response time increases(for larger response payload sizes), the CPU time for the sync version increases greatly in comparision to the async one.
def set_event_loop(event_loop: AbstractEventLoop):
"""Call this at app init to set the event loop"""
def get_event_loop():
"""This returns the event loop set by `set_event_loop` that is currently being used by the executor."""
def run_async_job(cor: Coroutine) -> concurrent.futures.Future:
"""Use this to execute an async job from a synchronous thread.
To get the result of the execution, call `concurrent.futures.Future.result` on the
returned object. This will block the thread until the async job completes.
`concurrent.futures.Future.result` will raise an exception if the coroutine raises one.
def complete_async_jobs(*cors: Awaitable) -> Tuple[concurrent.futures.Future, ...]:
"""Use this to run multiple async jobs parallelly.
This returns only when all the provided awaitables complete their execution.
Use `concurrent.futures.Future.result` to access the result or exception of
an individual coroutine.
def async_to_sync(coroutinefunction) -> Callable:
"""A simple async to sync decorator."""
def agen_to_gen(async_generator) -> Generator:
"""Used to convert an async generator to a sync one."""