How to use:
1.Open the "openai_key.Dovilian2CONFIG-V1" in notepad and paste your OpenAI key with no double quotes and PASTE THE KEY ON FIRST LINE ONLY AND DONT WRITE ANYTHING ELSE IT IS CASE SENSITIVE! (Important)
2.Run the "setup.bat" if that dosent work check if you have python installed! if you have python installed got to the "Fixes" directory and run the "pipnotfound.bat" file as adminstrator
3.Run the "rundovilian.bat" if that dosent work try running "rundovilian2(TRY THIS IF rundovilian DOSENT WORK).bat" if that also not working try running the "rundovilian3 - TRY THIS ON LINUX BASED SYSTEM (If rundovilian.bat dosent work).bat" file
4.Once you run the rundovilian file open your browser and goto ""
5. Now enter what you want to generate (to a image) on the input box and click Submit.
Thats all, i know that this website is very basic, i will upgrade and make a better version if needed or just if i get bored later! :)