Releases: Crossbell-Box/xLog-mobile
Releases · Crossbell-Box/xLog-mobile
Patch Changes
- 7fcd366: Support checking updates manually.
- 116f7cb: Fixed the issue that account couldn't be deleted.
Patch Changes
- 94f63a3: Fixed a bug that GA doesn't work correctly.
Minor Changes
- af91b17: Using expo-web-browser instead of webview.
- 0d3d9f8: Fixed crush error when go back on iOS.
- f7cfa70: Support network checking.
Patch Changes
- f7cfa70: Fixed the wrong events key of GA.
- 0d3d9f8: Only enable GA in production envrionment.
- f7cfa70: Typo fixes.
- 0d3d9f8: Fixed the problem of inaccurate recording of reading time.
Minor Changes
Patch Changes
- 3384691: excluded comments in feedlist
- f041fb4: Fixed bug that is can't close modal when open the achievement item on Android.
Minor Changes
- f8210bb: Added explore and search pages.
- eb3849d: Support to share post via link, photo and twitter.
Patch Changes
- 75db22b: optimized the speed of PostDetails page loading.
- cac9fb9: Fixed some bugs causing page crashes.
Minor Changes
- a950bc6: Support Android FCM notification.
- d6c1404: Display notifications separately
- e974ede: Support walletconnectv2.
- b62080e: UX improvements and some bug fixes.
Patch Changes
- b5dfe8b: Fixed style issues in comment box.
- b5dfe8b: Fixed styles issue in ImageGallery component.
- 7a8bbdf: Fixed styles issue in PostDetails page on Android device.
- b5dfe8b: Fixed compatibility issues with wc2
- dabf7e8: Fixed some bugs with wc2.
- 8b6891e: Navigate to home page after disconnected.
Patch Changes
- d45153f: Send a test error to Sentry.
- c65193e: fix parese update info err.
Patch Changes
- 4fee69b: Remove the dist and release fields from Sentry initialization.