Projects, playgrounds, and other material made while following along with the Ray Wenderlich book iOS Apprentice.
A game testing the user's ability to drag a slider the a specific number.
- Sliders, labels, and other common UIKit controls.
- Building responsive interfaces that adapt to all screen sizes.
- Responding to UI events and updating state as a result.
- Designing and integrating custom artwork into a view.
List of lists with scheduling support and reminder notifications... Table Views and To-Do on steroids.
Table Views and more table views.
Designing deep navigation flows, utilizing segues and protocols to communicate and handle actions along the way.
events to dynamically enable/disable submission buttons. -
Registering and managing local notifications for instances of checklist items.
Architecting an app data model.
Using user documents to saving and load data across application instances.
to saving and load user preferences and app view state across application instances. -
Using a custom global theme color.
An app that uses Core Location to fetch the user's current GPS coordinates, allowing them to "tag" a current location and add custom information to it. Additionally, these tagged locations are displayed as pins on an interactive map.
- Using Core Location: Fetching the user's current location, checking reading accuracy, handling errors and permissions, creating
models from location readings, etc.
- Using Core Data: Designing fetch requests, using
with table views, persisting changes, caching, configuring dynamic blob storage for images, and more.
- Integrating enums properties with Core Data entities.
- Using Core Animation to present a richer launch experience.
- Integrating sound effect to confirm completion of long-running background operations.
- Creating custom art and imagery for animations.
- Creating custom theme colors for light and dark mode.
- Creating/configuring custom theming and appearance settings.
- Using a tabbed view controller with the coordinator pattern.
- Creating custom, interactive map view pins and annotations.
An app that searches and surfaces content provided by the iTunes Search API.
- Building a networking stack to perform various searches against the iTunes Search API.
- Building dynamic views with Collection View Compositional Layouts and Diffable Data Sources.
- Debugging with exception breakpoints.
- Custom Presentation Controllers with custom transition animations 💥.
- Stretchable Images via image slicing.
- Supporting Dynamic Type.
- Localizing an app using thoughtful string definition architecture and the various l10n tools that Xcode provides.
- Implementing a Split View Controller-based presentation that adapts to iPads and iPhones in landscape and portrait orientation 💪.
- Dynamic Sizing based upon size classes.
- Distributing app to the App Store via App Store Connect.