This a bedwars mini game for plasmid, still in developpement, some features are already implemented :
- map loading
- waiting
- scoreboard
- bed breaking mecanics and win detection
- respawn only available when you have a bed
- forge with splite support, it stop spawning iron if 64 iron ingots wait in (or 16 golds)
- claim (you can only breaks blocks placed by a player, builds limits are done)
- various sound and messages feedback
- colored and upgradable armors
- old regeneration
- primitive shops with num_key support
- add modded sword which emulate the old pvp, with old damage set
- customizable from A to Z, whether forge speed, map, items in shop, genertors in the middle, phase count
- over 40 items implemented, even some fully modded such as fireball, launchpad, popup tower and bridge egg
- shopkeepers for item and team upgrades
- fancy looking middle generator like hypixel one
- blindness, slowness, mining fatigue and alarm traps
- reconnection available
- fancy tracker
- statics
- add cosmetics, kill effect
- extend statics support !
I'm also working with Nullptr-rs on a port of Grim-Ac for fabric