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d-chambers committed Oct 31, 2024
2 parents c9460e3 + b2551d2 commit 301cd42
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Showing 9 changed files with 267 additions and 80 deletions.
23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions .github/workflows/build_deploy_master_docs.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,16 +40,23 @@ jobs:
run: |
git fetch --tags --force # Retrieve annotated tags.
- name: Setup conda
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
- uses: mamba-org/setup-micromamba@v1
mamba-version: "*"
channels: conda-forge,defaults
channel-priority: true
python-version: "3.10"
activate-environment: dascore
micromamba-version: '1.5.8-0' # versions:
environment-file: environment.yml
condarc-file: .github/test_condarc.yml
init-shell: >-
cache-environment: true
post-cleanup: 'all'

# Not sure why this is needed but it appears to be the case
- name: fix env
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
micromamba shell init --shell bash --root-prefix=~/micromamba
eval "$(micromamba shell hook --shell bash)"
micromamba activate dascore
- name: install dascore with docbuild reqs
shell: bash -l {0}
Expand Down
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/lint.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: "get tags"
run: |
git fetch --tags --force # Retrieve annotated tags.
- name: Install uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v3

- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.12'

- name: install linting packages
# I added --break-system-packages due to pep 668. No need to protect
# system packages in a github container.
run: pip install pre-commit --break-system-packages
run: uv tool install pre-commit

- name: run all precommits
run: pre-commit run --files dascore/**/*
run: uv run pre-commit run --all
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dascore/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ def iselect(self, *args, **kwargs):
pass_filter = dascore.proc.pass_filter
sobel_filter = dascore.proc.sobel_filter
median_filter = dascore.proc.median_filter
notch_filter = dascore.proc.notch_filter
savgol_filter = dascore.proc.savgol_filter
gaussian_filter = dascore.proc.gaussian_filter
slope_filter = dascore.proc.slope_filter
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55 changes: 37 additions & 18 deletions dascore/io/febus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,37 +97,57 @@ def _get_febus_attrs(feb: _FebusSlice) -> dict:
return out

def _get_time_overlap_samples(feb, data_shape):
"""Determine the number of redundant samples in the time dimension."""
time_step =["Spacing"][1] / 1_000 # value in ms, convert to s.
block_time = _maybe_unpack(1 / (["BlockRate"] / 1_000))
# Since the data have overlaps in each block's time dimension, we need to
# trim the overlap off the time dimension to avoid having to merge blocks later.
# However, sometimes the "BlockOverlap" is wrong, so we calculate it
# manually here.
expected_samples = int(np.round(block_time / time_step))
excess_rows = data_shape[1] - expected_samples
assert (
excess_rows % 2 == 0
), "excess rows must be symmetric to distribute on both ends"
return excess_rows

def _get_time_coord(feb):
"""Get the time coordinate contained in the febus slice."""
time = feb.source["time"]
# In older version time shape is different, always grap first eleemnt.
# In older version time shape is different, always grab first element.
first_slice = tuple(0 for _ in time.shape)
t_0 = time[first_slice]
# Data dimensions are block_index, time, distance
data_shape =[feb.data_name].shape
n_blocks = data_shape[0]
# Since the data have overlaps in each block's time dimension, we need to
# trim the overlap off the time dimension to avoid having to merge blocks later.
overlap_percentage = _maybe_unpack("BlockOverlap", 0))
rows_to_remove = int(np.round(data_shape[1] * overlap_percentage / 100))
total_time_rows = (data_shape[1] - 2 * rows_to_remove) * n_blocks
# Get spacing between time samples (in s)
# Get spacing between time samples (in s) and the total time of each block.
time_step =["Spacing"][1] / 1_000 # value in ms, convert to s.
# Get origin info, these are offsets from time for start of block,
time_origin =["Origin"][1] / 1_000 # also convert to s
# Get the start/stop indicies for the zone
excess_rows = _get_time_overlap_samples(feb, data_shape)
total_time_rows = (data_shape[1] - excess_rows) * n_blocks
# Get origin info, these are offsets from time to get to the first simple
# of the block. These should always be non-positive.
time_offset =["Origin"][1] / 1_000 # also convert to s
assert time_offset <= 0, "time offset must be non positive"
# Get the start/stop indices for the zone. We assume zones never sub-slice
# time (only distance) but assert that here.
extent =["Extent"]
time_ids = (extent[2], extent[3])
assert (extent[3] - extent[2] + 1) == data_shape[1], "Cant handle sub time zones"
# Create time coord
# Need to account for removing overlap times.
total_start = time_origin - rows_to_remove * time_step + time_ids[0] * time_step
total_start = t_0 + time_offset + (excess_rows // 2) * time_step
total_end = total_start + total_time_rows * time_step
time_coord = get_coord(
start=dc.to_datetime64(t_0 + total_start),
stop=dc.to_datetime64(t_0 + total_end),
return time_coord.change_length(total_time_rows)
# Note: we have found some files in which the sampling rate is 1/3e-4
# because we use datetime64 we lose some precision which has caused
# slight differences in shape of the patch.
out = time_coord.change_length(total_time_rows)
return out

def _get_distance_coord(feb):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,9 +241,8 @@ def _get_time_filtered_data(data, t_start_end, time, total_slice, time_coord):
dist_coord, time_coord = cm.coord_map["distance"], cm.coord_map["time"]
data =[febus.data_name]
data_shape = data.shape
overlap_percentage = _maybe_unpack("BlockOverlap", 0))
skip_rows = int(np.round(overlap_percentage / 100 * data_shape[1]))
# Need to handle case where skip_rows == 0
skip_rows = _get_time_overlap_samples(febus, data_shape) // 2
# Need to handle case where excess_rows == 0
data_slice = slice(skip_rows, -skip_rows if skip_rows else None)
total_slice = list(broadcast_for_index(3, 1, data_slice))
total_time_rows = data_shape[1] - 2 * skip_rows
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dascore/proc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
from .coords import * # noqa
from .correlate import correlate, correlate_shift
from .detrend import detrend
from .filter import median_filter, pass_filter, sobel_filter, savgol_filter, gaussian_filter, slope_filter
from .filter import median_filter, pass_filter, sobel_filter, savgol_filter, gaussian_filter, slope_filter, notch_filter
from .resample import decimate, interpolate, resample
from .rolling import rolling
from .taper import taper, taper_range
Expand Down
109 changes: 83 additions & 26 deletions dascore/proc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,13 +15,18 @@
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter as np_gauss
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter as nd_median_filter
from scipy.signal import iirfilter, sosfilt, sosfiltfilt, zpk2sos
from scipy.signal import filtfilt, iirfilter, iirnotch, sosfilt, sosfiltfilt, zpk2sos
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter as np_savgol_filter

import dascore as dc
from dascore.constants import PatchType, samples_arg_description
from dascore.exceptions import FilterValueError, ParameterError, UnitError
from dascore.units import convert_units, get_filter_units, invert_quantity
from dascore.units import (
from import compose_docstring
from dascore.utils.misc import (
Expand All @@ -33,6 +38,7 @@
from dascore.utils.time import to_float

def _check_sobel_args(dim, mode, cval):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ def pass_filter(patch: PatchType, corners=4, zerophase=True, **kwargs) -> PatchT
The number of corners for the filter.
The number of corners for the filter. Default is 4.
If True, apply the filter twice.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,28 +178,6 @@ def sobel_filter(patch: PatchType, dim: str, mode="reflect", cval=0.0) -> PatchT
return dc.Patch(data=out, coords=patch.coords, attrs=patch.attrs, dims=patch.dims)

# @patch_function()
# def stop_filter(patch: PatchType, corners=4, zerophase=True, **kwargs) -> PatchType:
# """
# Apply a Butterworth band stop filter or (highpass, or lowpass).
# Parameters
# ----------
# corners
# The number of corners for the filter.
# zerophase
# If True, apply the filter twice.
# **kwargs
# Used to specify the dimension and frequency, wavenumber, or equivalent
# limits.
# """
# # get nyquist and low/high in terms of nyquist
# if zerophase:

def _create_size_and_axes(patch, kwargs, samples):
Return a tuple of (size) and (axes).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,6 +249,76 @@ def median_filter(
return patch.update(data=new_data)

def notch_filter(patch: PatchType, q, **kwargs) -> PatchType:
Apply a second-order IIR notch digital filter on patch's data.
A notch filter is a band-stop filter with a narrow bandwidth (high quality factor).
It rejects a narrow frequency band and leaves the rest of the spectrum
little changed.
The patch to filter
Quality factor (float). A higher Q value means a narrower notch,
which targets the specific frequency more precisely.
A lower Q results in a wider notch, meaning a broader range of
frequencies around the specific frequency will be attenuated.
Used to specify the dimension(s) and associated frequency and/or wavelength
(or equivalent values) for the filter.
See [scipy.signal.iirnotch]
for more information.
>>> import dascore
>>> pa = dascore.get_example_patch()
>>> # Apply a notch filter along time axis to remove 60 Hz
>>> filtered = pa.notch_filter(time=60, q=30)
>>> # Apply a notch filter along distance axis to remove 5 m wavelength
>>> filtered = pa.notch_filter(distance=0.2, q=10)
>>> # Apply a notch filter along both time and distance axes
>>> filtered = pa.notch_filter(time=60, distance=0.2, q=40)
>>> # Optionally, units can be specified for a more expressive API.
>>> from dascore.units import m, ft, s, Hz
>>> # Apply a notch filter along time axis to remove 60 Hz
>>> filtered = pa.notch_filter(time=60 * Hz, q=30)
>>> # Apply a notch filter along distance axis to remove 5 m wavelength
>>> filtered = pa.notch_filter(distance=5 * m, q=30)
data =
for coord_name, info in get_multiple_dim_value_from_kwargs(patch, kwargs).items():
dim, ax, value = info["dim"], info["axis"], info["value"]
coord = patch.get_coord(coord_name)

# Invert units if needed
if isinstance(value, dc.units.Quantity) and coord.units is not None:
value, _ = get_inverted_quant(value, coord.units)

# Check valid parameters
w0 = to_float(value)
sr = get_dim_sampling_rate(patch, dim)
nyquist = 0.5 * sr
if w0 > nyquist:
msg = f"possible filter values are in [0, {nyquist}] you passed {w0}"
raise FilterValueError(msg)
b, a = iirnotch(w0, Q=q, fs=sr)
data = filtfilt(b, a, data, axis=ax)
return dc.Patch(data=data, coords=patch.coords, attrs=patch.attrs, dims=patch.dims)

def savgol_filter(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +362,7 @@ def savgol_filter(
>>> # Apply Savgol filter over distance dimension using a 5 sample
>>> # distance window.
>>> filtered_pa_2 = pa.median_filter(distance=5, samples=True,polyorder=2)
>>> filtered_pa_2 = pa.savgol_filter(distance=5, samples=True, polyorder=2)
>>> # Combine distance and time filter
>>> filtered_pa_3 = pa.savgol_filter(distance=10, time=0.1, polyorder=4)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,8 +484,11 @@ def slope_filter(
>>> # Example 1: Compare slope filtered patch to Non-filtered.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import dascore as dc
>>> from dascore.units import Hz
>>> # Apply taper function and bandpass filter along time axis from 1 to 500 Hz
>>> patch = (
... dc.get_example_patch('example_event_1')
Expand Down
45 changes: 23 additions & 22 deletions dascore/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -208,6 +208,29 @@ def get_quantity_str(quant_value: str | Quantity | None) -> str | None:
return str(quant_value)

def get_inverted_quant(quant, data_units):
"""Convert to inverted units."""
if quant is None:
return quant, True
if quant.units == get_unit("dimensionless"):
msg = (
"Both inputs must be quantities to get filter parameters. "
f"You passed ({quant}, {data_units})"
raise UnitError(msg)
data_units = get_unit(data_units)
inverted_units = (1 / data_units).units
units_inversed = True
if data_units.dimensionality == quant.units.dimensionality:
quant, units_inversed = 1 / quant, False
# try to get invert units, otherwise raise.
mag =
except DimensionalityError as e:
raise UnitError(str(e))
return mag, units_inversed

def get_filter_units(
arg1: Quantity | float,
arg2: Quantity | float,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,28 +273,6 @@ def _ensure_same_units(quant1, quant2):
msg = f"Units must match, {quant1} and {quant2} were provided."
raise UnitError(msg)

def get_inverted_quant(quant, data_units):
"""Convert to inverted units."""
if quant is None:
return quant, True
if quant.units == get_unit("dimensionless"):
msg = (
"Both inputs must be quantities to get filter parameters. "
f"You passed ({arg1}, {arg2})"
raise UnitError(msg)
data_units = get_unit(data_units)
inverted_units = (1 / data_units).units
units_inversed = True
if data_units.dimensionality == quant.units.dimensionality:
quant, units_inversed = 1 / quant, False
# try to get invert units, otherwise raise.
mag =
except DimensionalityError as e:
raise UnitError(str(e))
return mag, units_inversed

def _check_to_units(to_unit, dim):
"""Ensure to units are valid."""
if to_unit is None:
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