IduEdu is an open-source Python library for the creation and manipulation of complex city networks from OpenStreetMap.
- Graphs from OSM/Polygon/Name - Functions for building a graph of roads, pedestrians and public transport based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), as well as creating an intermodal (public transport + pedestrians) graph.
- Adjacency matrix - Calculate adjacency matrix based on the provided graph and edge weight type (time_min or length_meter).
IduEdu can be installed with pip
pip install IduEdu
from iduedu import config
config.set_timeout(10) # Timeout for overpass queries
config.change_logger_lvl('INFO') # To mute all debug msgs
config.set_enable_tqdm(False) # To mute all tqdm's progress bars
Реализовано при финансовой поддержке Фонда поддержки проектов Национальной технологической инициативы в рамках реализации "дорожной карты" развития высокотехнологичного направления "Искусственный интеллект" на период до 2030 года (Договор № 70-2021-00187)
This research is financially supported by the Foundation for National Technology Initiative's Projects Support as a part of the roadmap implementation for the development of the high-tech field of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030 (agreement 70-2021-00187)