Each cluster sends diagnostic log data to a cluster log analytics workspace. This can generate a lot of data, at a high cost, so we override some of the default settings.
We have added two settings to ama-logs via config map.
- Remove env vars from each ContainerInventory entry as it adds a lot of data that's not particularly useful
- log_collection_settings.env_var = false
- Allow exclude of log collection from pods with annotations fluentbit.io/exclude: "true".
- log_collection_settings.filter_using_annotations = true
The config map must be called container-azm-ms-agentconfig. The ama-logs daemonset has an optional mount for this map, and if one is loaded to the cluster it will automatically mount and restart any ama-logs pods with the new settings. see container-azm-ms-agentconfig for available variables and default settings.
Kusto Query Language (KQL) is a query language that you can use to retrieve data from Log Analytics workspaces for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters. In this guide, we will explain how to write KQL queries to retrieve Log Analytics data and analyze it for your AKS cluster.
N.B. please allow around 15 mins for the logs to be generated and ingested into the log analytics workspace
To write a KQL query to retrieve AKS Log Analytics data, follow these steps:
Open the Azure portal and navigate to your resource group where the cluster is deployed.
Navigate to the AKS instance, then “Logs” under the “Monitoring” section of the blade on the left of the AKS cluster on the portal. Click on the Log Analytics Workspace link.
In the query editor, you can start typing your KQL query. For example, you might want to retrieve all control plane logs from the last 24 hours:
AzureDiagnostics | where Category == "kube-apiserver" | where TimeGenerated >= ago(24h)
Press the "Run" button to execute the query.
The results of the query will be displayed in the "Results" tab. You can further refine and analyze the data using the tools in the query editor.
Here are some examples of KQL queries that you can use to retrieve AKS Log Analytics data:
Retrieve all container inventory with the state terminated:
ContainerInventory | where ContainerState == "Terminated" | project Computer, Name, Image, ImageTag, ContainerState, CreatedTime, StartedTime, FinishedTime | render table
Retrieve all admin audit logs:
AzureDiagnostics | where Category == "kube-audit-admin"
These are just a few examples of the many queries that you can write using KQL to retrieve AKS Log Analytics data.
The standard output from all applications should be captured and sent to Logit.io as standard. When it's not configured, logs are kept in Log analytics in the ContainerLogV2 table, and the standard output is in the LogEntry Column.
All logs from all the services on the cluster:
Full text search for "Exception":
ContainerLogV2 | where LogEntry contains "Exception"
Decode the LogEntry json to query it:
ContainerLogV2 | extend log_entry = parse_json(LogEntry) | where log_entry.host contains "register" | where log_entry.environment == "production"
Only show the timestamp and LogEntry columns:
ContainerLogV2 | extend log_entry = parse_json(LogEntry) | where log_entry.host contains "register" | project TimeGenerated, log_entry