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Brandon Gallas edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 9 revisions

Supplementary Material for, "Validation of mitotic cell quantification via microscopy and multiple whole-slide scanners"

A GitHub repository and R package called "mitoticFigureCounts"

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The Mitotic Figure Counts repository contains the data, functions, and markdown files for a study comparing mitotic figure counting performance based on whole slide images (WSI images) from four scanners to the counts from a microscope.

Please cite the following article if data from this repository are used for your research. The article contains the details about this study.

  • Citation: Tabata, K., N. Uraoka, J. Benhamida, M. G. Hanna, S. J. Sirintrapun, B. D. Gallas, Q. Gong, R. G. Aly, K. Emoto, K. M. Matsuda, M. R. Hameed, D. S. Klimstra, and Y. Yagi (2019). "Validation of mitotic cell quantification via microscopy and multiple whole-slide scanners." Diagn Pathol, 14(1): 65.

All materials may be downloaded from this repository, the release page, or as an R package.