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fstagni edited this page Jun 2, 2017 · 12 revisions


The RSS status for Sites and ComputingElements can now be used in the pilot submission logic for choosing destination resources. These statuses are used if the RSS status management is enabled with the flag:


In order to use RSS statuses for Sites and ComputingElements, the latter must be synchronized with the CS information. This should be done with the following commands:

> dirac-rss-sync --element=Site --defaultStatus=Banned --init
> dirac-rss-sync --element=Resource --defaultStatus=Active --init

This will initialize the Sites in the RSS databases with the Banned default status unless the site is allowed in the old SiteMask logic. The ComputingElements are initialized all with the Active status because this status is not defined in the CS descriptions. Note that the second command will also synchronize other Resources, in particular, StorageElements.

The Site status can be altered as before by manual commands:

> dirac-admin-allow-site "Comment"
> dirac-admin-ban-site "Comment"

The below policy needs to be added in the CS under Operations > Defaults > ResourceStatus > Policies:

    element = Site
  policyType = PropagationPolicy

This is needed in order to propagate Site status to all the dependent resources in case of the Site status change


For compatibility with MySQL 5.7, the FTSHistoryView needs update:

alter view FTSHistoryView as select `FTSJob`.`Status` AS `Status`,sum(`FTSJob`.`Files`) AS `Files`,`FTSJob`.`TargetSE` AS `TargetSE`,(sum(`FTSJob`.`Completeness`) / count(distinct `FTSJob`.`FTSJobID`)) AS `Completeness`,sum(`FTSJob`.`FailedSize`) AS `FailedSize`,sum(`FTSJob`.`Size`) AS `Size`,sum(`FTSJob`.`FailedFiles`) AS `FailedFiles`,count(distinct `FTSJob`.`FTSJobID`) AS `FTSJobs`,`FTSJob`.`SourceSE` AS `SourceSE` from `FTSJob` where (`FTSJob`.`LastUpdate` > (utc_timestamp() - interval 3600 second)) group by `FTSJob`.`SourceSE`,`FTSJob`.`TargetSE`,`FTSJob`.`Status` ;


New NetworkAgent [needs RabbitMQ connection details for collecting PerfSonar info]

[to expand] [link to doc?]

MessageQueueing resources

The machinery for the MQ systems support has been fully certified, and it's now out of the "Technology preview"

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