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fstagni edited this page Jun 2, 2017 · 18 revisions

[In preparation]


Pilots Logging service:

The v6r19 release introduces a new OPTIONAL feature: the pilots logging service. The pilots logging service is very well documented in the official DIRAC documentation, so please refer to that. Operationally, if you want to enable it, you will need an MQ system like RabbitMQ, and to do the following steps:

Define the new DB PilotsLoggingDB:

The new DB PilotsLoggingDB should be defined, then the tables in the databases should be created by the PilotsLogging service

Add new service:

new PilotsLogging service (via sysadmin-cli): install service WorkloadManagement PilotsLogging

Other changes:

The PilotRequirements table from PilotAgentsDB can be removed:

USE PilotAgentsDB; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS PilotRequirements;

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