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atsareg edited this page Mar 19, 2012 · 5 revisions

What's new

Several new features in different systems. Several highlights are in the following. Also multiple bug fixes and minor logic improvements.


Further refactoring to streamline the logic and make coding conventions compliant. It is not interfering with the rest of the DIRAC functionality in case not set to Active. Not in production yet, further testing will continue with v6r2.


The logic of the DMS related request management agents is completely reworked. It is now based on Tasks each executed in a separate process. This will allow to process requests coming from different users with proper credentials in parallel. FTS machinery is polished to be more stable.

Multiple updates in the DIRAC FileCatalog. Introduced searchable File Metadata. Multiple performance optimizations: in metadata lookups, in storage usage queries, and others.


Introduced job delays to derandomize jobs starting at one site to avoid too many jobs starting simultaneously.

Parametric jobs with support the list of lists as Parameters to allow bulk submission of jobs with multiple input data.

Remarks for the update

For those using the DIRAC File Catalog note that the searchable File Metadata requires a new table in the FileCatalogDB - FC_FileMetaFields. This should be done for the moment by hand. In the next release new tables will be added automatically if needed.

Due to introduction of the Operations configuration helper some options that were previously defined in the Resources site definitions are moved to the /Operations section. In particular the JobLimits definition.

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