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Data Management System

graciani edited this page Jan 11, 2012 · 4 revisions


Data Management System

The DIRAC Data Management System (DMS), together with the DIRAC Storage Management System (SMS) provides the necessary functionality to execute and control all activities related with your data. the DMS provides from the basic functionality to upload a local file in a StorageElement (SE) and register the corresponding replica in the FileCatalog (FC) to massive data replications using FTS or retrievals of data archived on Tape for it later processing.

To achieve this functionality the DMS and SMS require a proper description of the involved external servers (SE, FTS, etc.) as well as a number of Agents and associated Servers that animate them. In the following sections the different aspects of each functional component are explained in some detail.


DIRAC provides an abstraction of a SE interface that allows to access different kind of them with a single interface. The access to each kind of SE ( SRMv2, DIRAC SE, ...) is achieved by using specific plugin modules that provide a common interface. The information necessary to define the proper plugin module and to properly configure this plugin to access a certain SE has to be introduced in the DIRAC :ref:`Configuration <dirac-cs-structure>`. An example of such configuration is:

  ReadAccess = Active
  WriteAccess = Active
    ProtocolName = SRM2
    Access = remote
    Protocol = srm
    Host =
    Port = 8443
    WSUrl = /srm/managerv2?SFN=
    Path = /castor/
    SpaceToken = LHCb_USER

FTS transfers in DIRAC

DIRAC DMS can be configured to make use of FTS servers in order to schedule and monitor efficient transfer of large amounts of data between SEs. As of today, FTS servers are only able to handle transfers between SRM SEs. You will need to define at least two different SRM StorageElements in your Configuration and one FTS endpoint. In the current implementation of the DIRAC FTS interface FTS transfers are always assigned to the FTS server associated to the Site local to the destination SE. However you can associate the same FTS server to more than one site.

In order to configure and test support for FTS transfers in your DIRAC installation you should follow these steps:

  • Make sure that there are FTS servers configured for the use of your VirtualOrganization. You can find this out, for instance, by using the "lcg-infosites" command of a gLite User Interface:
$ lcg-infosite --vo <name of your VO> fts
$ # for instance:
$ lcg-infosites --vo lhcb fts
  • Determine which channels are supported on a particular FTS server. You can know that using the command gLite command "glite-transfer-channel-list". You need to use the -s option and pass one of the above URLs replacing "FileTransfer" by "ChannelManagement". Channels are list with the format Site1-Site2, STAR is a keyword that applies to any site.
$ glite-transfer-channel-list -s
$ glite-transfer-channel-list -s STAR-PIC
Channel: STAR-PIC
Between: * and PIC
State: Active
Bandwidth: 0
Nominal throughput: 0
Number of files: 50, streams: 5
Number of VO shares: 5
VO 'atlas' share is: 50
VO 'cms' share is: 50
VO 'dteam' share is: 50
VO 'lhcb' share is: 50
VO 'ops' share is: 50
  • Include the URL of the FTS server in the DIRAC Configuration:
# This is an example, use the name and URL corresponding to your case
/Resources/FTSEndpoints/ =
  • Now you need to make sure that the DIRAC components that take care of FTS transfers are in place. You need to configure and startup a number of components. This can be done with the "dirac-setup-site" command and a the following FTS.cfg describing what you need:
  Systems = DataManagement, RequestManagement
  DataBases = RequestDB
  Services = DataManagement/TransferDBMonitoring
  Agents = DataManagement/FTSSubmitAgent, DataManagement/FTSMonitorAgent
  • Then one needs to configure the DIRAC Channels that will be handled by the FTS Agents. The methods to create and manipulate the DIRAC Channels for FTS are not exposed on a Service interface. This has to be done with a simple python script from the server:
from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script
from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.TransferDB import TransferDB

sourceSE = 'SE-Name1'
destinationSE = 'SE-Name2'

transferDB = TransferDB()

res = transferDB.createChannel( sourceSE, destinationSE )
if not res['OK']:
  print res['Message']

channelID = res['Value']
print 'Created FTS Channel %s' % channelID
  • At this point some transfer can be attempted between the configured SEs. For that purpose you can use the command line script:
$ dirac-dms-fts-submit -h
  Submit an FTS request, monitor the execution until it completes
  dirac-dms-fts-submit [option|cfgfile] ... LFN sourceSE targetSE
  LFN:      Logical File Name or file containing LFNs
  sourceSE: Valid DIRAC SE
  targetSE: Valid DIRAC SE
General options:
  -o:  --option=         : Option=value to add
  -s:  --section=        : Set base section for relative parsed options
  -c:  --cert=           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
  -d   --debug           : Set debug mode (-dd is extra debug)
  -h   --help            : Shows this help
$ dirac-dms-fts-submit /lhcb/user/r/rgracian/fts_test CNAF-USER PIC-USER
Submitted b3c7c25a-1d14-11e1-abe9-dc229ac9908c @
|====================================================================================================>| 100.0% Finished

Using this script, the request to the FTS server will be formulated following the information configured in DIRAC, and will be submitted form your client to the selected FTS server with your local credential. Make sure you are using a proxy that is authorized at your FTS server (usually only some specific users in the VO are allowed, contact the administrators of the site offering you this server in case of doubts).

Important Note At this point your DIRAC installation is ready to handle asynchronous Transfer Requests using FTS instead of using the third party transfer logic provided by the TransferAgent. The current version of the TransferAgent does not allow execute it at the same time than the ReplicationScheduler agent (in the same setup), both agents will try to execute all transfer requests submitted to the system. A temporary solution is to install a dedicate setup for FTS transfers with just the components above and the ReplicationScheduler.

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