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DIRAC source code is maintained in GIT distributed code management system. It is highly recommended to be familiar with with GIT before jumping into the code development. Please, go through a GIT tutorial. The recommended ones are:
- For an GIT shallow overview the GIT community book at http://book.git-scm.com/ . Do not be alarmed by the word book. It's more a tutorial on the basics of GIT.
- For really knowing what's going on read http://progit.org/book/ . It'll make using GIT a painless and nice experience.
Once you're familiar with how GIT works. You're ready to clone the DIRAC source repository. DIRAC repository is hosted at https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC . From there you have two options:
- Easy way:
- Register at github.com and set up your account
- On github.com fork the DIRAC repository by going to https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC and clicking the Fork button on the top right part of the page.
- By forking a repository github.com will create a https://github.com/yourusername/DIRAC repository where you are the administrator.
- Clone that repository in your work space
- Start hacking DIRAC
- Push changes to your github.com repository
- Issue a pull request to DIRAC by going to https://github.com/yourusername/DIRAC, switching to the branch you want DIRAC to pull changes from and clicking the pull request button. Please issue pull requests from new feature or fix branches. Do not issue pull requests from your master branch.
- Do-it-yourself way:
- Clone DIRAC repository from https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC to a bare repository where you have write access and the rest of the world has read access. For naming purposes we'll call this repository your public repository. Public access can be via http or git. Remote access can be via ssh. For instance you can create this repository somewhere everyone has http access and you can access via ssh.
- Clone your bare repository to your work space. We'll call this repository your private repository.
- Start hacking DIRAC
- Push your changes to your public repository
- Send a pull request via mail stating from which URL branch and revision should the pull be done.
The first approach requires registering on github.com but it is far easier to set up than the second approach. We recommend the first one.
DIRAC developers tend to use eclipse for developing DIRAC. It is not mandatory but it is recommended. The following steps will try to guide you on setting up a development installation for DIRAC in eclipse. If you don't need/want eclipse just follow the next section and skip the rest.
First you need to check out all the sources you need to start working on DIRAC or on any extension. Go to a clean directory (from now on I'll call that directory devRoot) and:
- Go to your devRoot directory
- Check out DIRAC source code. DIRAC source is hosted on github.com. But depending on which option you went for in the previous Before jumping into code section you need to proceed differenty:
If you went for the easy way just clone your DIRAC repo (remember you are in a clean directory where you will set up the development environment):
git clone git@github.com:yourusername/DIRAC.gitwill create a devRoot/DIRAC for you.
If you want for the Do-it-yourself way, clone your public repo with:
git clone yourgitpublicrepourl DIRACIf you don't intend to develop DIRAC and just need it for developing extensions do:
git clone https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC.git
That will create a remote in the git repository called origin that points to your source repository. In that repository you will publish your code to be released. But all the releases will be done in the https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC repository. You need to define a remote for that repository to be able to pull newly released changes into your working repo. We will name that repository upstream:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC.git git fetch upstreamIf you need DIRACWeb do the same with the repo at https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRACWeb
If you need to check out any extension do so in the devRoot directory. For instance:
svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/lbdirac/LHCbDIRAC/trunk/LHCbDIRAC LHCbDIRACRepeat step 4 for each extension you need
Deploy DIRAC scripts by running:
DIRAC/Core/scripts/dirac-deploy-scripts.pyGet the DIRAC External binaries by running:
scripts/dirac-install -X -t server -i 26This may take a while if there aren't externals available for your platform and they have to be compiled.
Configure DIRAC by executing:
scripts/dirac-configure -S setupyouwanttorun -C configurationserverslist -n sitename -HFrom now on, everytime you want to publish something to your public repository do:
git push origin localbranch:remotebranch #If you want to push a new branchor:
git push origin #For an already pushed branchTo bring changes from the release repository do:
git fetch upstream git merge upstream/branchname
You're ready for DIRAC development !
Two extensions are required for developing DIRAC with Eclipse. To install them go to Help->Install new software->top right button "Add..." -> Insert name and URL and then select the software to install in the list.
- pyDev : Use http://pydev.org/updates as the URL to install from. For more info go to http://pydev.org/updates
- EGit : Git team provider for eclipse. Use http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates as the URL. For more info go to http://www.eclipse.org/egit/
Now you need to configure the pyDev plugin. Go to Window->Preferences (Eclipse->preferences if you're in a MacOSX box). In the preferences pane go to Pydev->Editor, select 2 as the tab length and click "Replace tabs with spaces when typing". In Pydev->Editor->Code Style->Code formatter check all the boxes.
For EGit you simply need to configure your name and mail. Go to the preferences pane and then go to Team->Git->Configuration and add two entries: user.name with your name and user.email with your email.
That's it! Eclipse is configured now :)
All that remains is to import these directories as projects in Eclipse. To import DIRAC:
- File -> Import...
- Git -> Projects from Git and click Next.
- In the "Import Projects from Git" click Add.
- In the "Add Git Repositories", click Browse and select the DIRAC source code folder you cloned into before. Then click Search and the .git directory in the DIRAC source code directory should appear. Select it and click OK.
- In the "Import Projects from Git" pane the DIRAC folder should now appear. Select it and click Next.
- Select "Import as General Project" and click Finish.
- In the New Project wizard choose Pydev -> Pydev project and click Next.
- Choose the necessary settings for the project, in particular:
- Project name, e.g. DIRAC_dev
- The project working directory
- Use Python 2.6 grammar
- Choose the python interpreter ( you might need to set it up in a separate form )
- Uncheck creation of src directory
- Click Finish.
If you want to add DIRACWeb to eclipse repeat the same steps with the Web source directory. For additional extensions, add them as projects to Eclipse. You'll have to look on how to do it depending on your team provider. For instance, if you are using subversion for your extension:
- Go to the SVN Repository Exploring exploring perspective
- In the SVN repositories panel, right click -> New -> Repository Location and fill in the details for your repository
- Once the repository appears in the SVN repositories panel, browse it until you find the extension directory.
- Once you find the extension directory -> right click -> Find/Check out as...
- Select Check out as project with the name specified and fill in the extension name (name ending with DIRAC). For instance LHCbDIRAC
- Click next
- Uncheck Use default workspace location and browse to the directory where DIRAC is installed. If DIRAC is in /some/path/DIRAC, select /some/path
- Click finish
That's it! You have a nice development installation set up :)
Please check out this page