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ResourceStatus System installation in v6r7

atsareg edited this page Jan 25, 2013 · 14 revisions

This document describes the basic steps to install, configure, activate and start using the ResourceStatus system of DIRAC.


WARNING: If you have doubts about the success of any step, DO NOT ACTIVATE RSS.


0.- CS Configuration

The configuration for RSS sits under the following path on the CS following the usual /Operations section convention:


Please, make sure you have the following schema:

      State        = InActive
      Cache        = 300
      CacheHistory = 24
      RecordLogs   = Active
          default = all
          StorageElement = ReadAccess,WriteAccess,CheckAccess,RemoveAccess

For a more detailed explanation, take a look to the official documentation: .

1.- Fresh DB

Needs a fresh DB installation. Only ResourceStatusDB is needed. Information on former ResourceStatusDB can be discarded. Delete the old database tables. If there is no old database, just install a new one as follows:

$ dirac-install-db ResourceStatusDB

2.- Generate DB tables

Issue the command to populate the DB with the tables that are actually going to be used:

$ dirac-rss-setup -o LogLevel=INFO

3.- Run service(s)

RSS - basic - needs the following service to be up and running: ResourceStatusSystem/ResourceStatus, please install it and make sure it is running.

4.- Populate tables

Let's do it one by one to make it easier:

$ dirac-rss-sync --element Site -o LogLevel=VERBOSE
$ dirac-rss-sync --element Resource -o LogLevel=VERBOSE
$ dirac-rss-sync --element Node -o LogLevel=VERBOSE

You can check the DB. You will find there are 4 times StorageElements on the Resources table ( if you are still using the default config of step 0 ). If not, please report and DO NOT ACTIVATE RSS.

5.- Initialize Statuses for StorageElements

Copy over the values that we had on the CS for the StorageElements:

$ dirac-rss-sync --init -o LogLevel=VERBOSE

WARNING: If the StorageElement does not have a particular StatusType declared

WARNING: on the CS, this script will set it to Banned. If that happens, you will

WARNING: have to issue the dirac-rss-status script over the elements that need

WARNING: to be fixed.

6.- Set statuses by HAND

In case you entered the WARNING ! on point 4, you may need to identify the status of your StorageElements. Try to detect the Banned SEs using the following:

$ dirac-rss-list-status --element Resource --elementType StorageElement --status Banned

If is there any SE to be modified, you can do it as follows:

$ dirac-rss-set-status --element Resource --name CERN-USER --statusType ReadAccess --status Active --reason "Why not?"
# This matches all StatusTypes
$ dirac-rss-set-status --element Resource --name CERN-USER --status Active --reason "Why not?"

7.- Activate RSS

If you did not see any problem, activate RSS by setting the CS option:

/Operations/Defaults/ResourceStatus/Config/State = Active

8.- Agents

There are few agents that are required:

  • SummarizeLogsAgent
  • DatabaseCleanerAgent

Please, install them and make sure they are up and running.

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