- undergrad physics student at Charles University
- former dancesport athlete
- triathlete
- Junior Application Engineer at Quanscient
- organisation team Paralelná Polis Košice (as well as a huge fan of Parallel Polis in general)
- curious about math, physics, cryptoanarchy and freedom
- advanced math and physics
- NVIDIA Modulus
- Python
- Streamlit
- Mathematica
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- OpenQASM
- Zsh and Bash
- Docker
- Git and GitHub
- making good coffee ☕️
- private tutor at Doučka
- freelancing and e-commerce manager at Lifeboost
- event manager and barista at Parallel Polis Košice
- co-founder of The After Message
- Physics & Engineering at DimensionLab
- studying math and physics
- Quanscient
- triathlon
- write me an e-mail david.jopek@proton.me
- check me on twitter @JopekDavid
If you like what I'm doing and think it's useful and makes sense, I'd be grateful for your support.
- Bitcoin : bc1q6u0c04jr6qsss42e4tkgfxzsk67043wrl4eupy
- ⚡ : davjop@lnbc.cz
- Monero : 88KMz6MbsYyMAMXFfBvqbGdzqYJCT1GpzTx3MBamgHY4ZvoSYeAYc9qUWJ5heZ1ZiJXY2wtg52dnK9JxEuXuuGDc8J6jfRJ