Documentation for M365 OAUTH-setup #205
2 warnings
Your workflow is using a version of actions/cache that is scheduled for deprecation, actions/cache@v2. Please update your workflow to use either v3 or v4 of actions/cache to avoid interruptions. Learn more:
Run './build.cmd Compile'
Solution "D:\a\DNNDocs\DNNDocs\DNNDocs.sln" has active build configurations for the build project.
Either enable SuppressBuildProjectCheck on "Build.Solution" or remove the following entries from the solution file:
" - {0271F13D-3EE8-4130-A59B-1D9A08A193BA}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {0271F13D-3EE8-4130-A59B-1D9A08A193BA}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU"