Create a web application with Flask that will automatically scrape different websites to extract data about the Mission to Mars, store it in a NoSQL database and display the latest information on a HTML page.
The challenge is to gather data about the Mission to Mars Project from all over the web and display it on one central location. In addition, this should all be done without spending any free time gathering the data manually. To do this, I will create a script that uses BeautifulSoup and Splinter to scrape data, store the data in a MongoDB, and then display it all on a web app. Oh yeah, all of this should be done with a click of a button!
- Deliverable 1: Scrape Full-Resolution Mars Hemisphere Images and Titles
- Deliverable 2: Update the Web App with Mars Hemisphere Images and Titles
- Deliverable 3: Add Bootstrap 3 Components
- Data Sources:
- Software:
- Python 3.9.4
- Jupyter Notebook 6.1.4
- MongoDB 4.4
- Flask 1.1.2
- Splinter
- BeautifulSoup4
- MacOS Catalilna Version 10.15.7
In addition to scraping and updating full-resolution images with titles, bootstrap components and mobile-responsiveness were added.
- This project was done by David Supple