Terraform module for creating an aurora cluster using an existing VPC and Subnets.
It creates and Aurora Cluster (Serverless or not) inside a subnet, and VPC. It creates the necessary Security Groups, and also, if necessary, the security group for the EC2 bastion.
- Subnets
- Availability Zones
EC2 for bastion access. If desired, this module will create a security group for RDS and bastion communication.
bastion_access = true
app_name = ""
availability_zones = []
backup_retention_period = 1
db_port =
engine_type = ""
engine_version = ""
engine_mode = ""
instance_class = ""
instances_amount = 0
master_db_user = ""
encrypted = true
scaling_configuration = {}
bation_sg_id = ""
module "aurora" {
source = "git@github.com:DanielDaCosta/aurora-cluster.git"
app_name = "example-name"
availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
backup_retention_period = 7
db_port = 5432
engine_type = "aurora-postgresql"
engine_version = ""
engine_mode = "serverless"
master_db_user = "postgres"
encrypted = true
bastion_access = true
bastion_sg_id = module.bastion.bastion_sg_id
scaling_configuration = {
auto_pause = true
max_capacity = 4
min_capacity = 2
seconds_until_auto_pause = 600
Aurora Cluster Provisioned is the default configuration of this module
module "aurora" {
source = "git@github.com:DanielDaCosta/aurora-cluster.git"
app_name = "example-name"
availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
backup_retention_period = 10
db_port = 5432
engine_type = "aurora-postgresql"
engine_version = ""
instance_class = "db.r4.large"
instances_amount = 2
master_db_user = "postgres"
encrypted = true
bastion_access = true