Releases: Dans-Plugins/Currencies
Releases · Dans-Plugins/Currencies
Currencies v1.0
Changes in Currencies v1.0
- Allowed players to view a list of retired currencies using the /c list retired command.
- When a currency is retired, its faction's online members will be informed.
- Allowed operators to rename currencies using the /c force rename 'currencyName' 'newCurrencyName' command.
- Added an external API for developers to use.
- Fixed the wrong permission being checked for the c info 'currencyName' command.
- Fixed the wrong permission being checked for the /c balance (playerName) command.
Currencies v0.14.1
Changes in Currencies v0.14.1
- Fixed players being able to rename their faction's currency to a name that was already taken by an active or retired currency.
Currencies v0.14
Changes in Currencies v0.14
- Fixed usage message for the /c config set command showing the wrong command.
- Fixed internal error occuring when attempting to view the contents of a player's coinpurse when they didn't have a coinpurse.
- Fixed currency being lost if more is withdrawn than the player has room for and improved the /c withdraw command in general.
- Added the /c force retire command.
- If the "officersCanMintCurrency" faction flag of a player's faction is enabled, then officers in their faction will be now able to mint currency.
- Fixed players being able to use /c deposit and /c withdraw with negative amounts.
Currencies v0.13
Changes in Currencies v0.13
- Fixed /c retire command not being listed in the output of the help command.
- Added a config option to require players to have the amount of items that they want to mint into currency.
Currencies v0.12 (Anvil Usage, Bug Fixes, Logger)
Changes in Currencies v0.12
- Added a config option to prevent currencies from being renamed or being used to repair items with an anvil.
- Fixed some parts of the plugin not working if the "debugMode" config option was set to false.
- Created a Logger class to clean up the code related to debug messages.
This version depends on the second beta version of Medieval Factions v4.3, which can be found here.
Utilized on Kingdom: Dark Ages
This was the first version of Currencies that was installed on Kingdom: Dark Ages.
Currencies v0.11 (Retire Command, Some Improvements)
Changes in Currencies v0.11
- Allowed operators to view other players' balances with the /c balance (playerName) command.
- Added the /c retire command.
- When a currency is retired, it will no longer be listed in the output of the /c list command.
- When a faction gets disbanded, its currency will now be retired.
- Prevented players from creating currencies with the same name as active or retired currencies.
- If a currency is retired, this will be shown in the output of the /c info command.
- In this version, the storage manager has been altered in such a way that save files from previous versions are no longer compatible.
- There is also a possible exploit in this version concerning anvils. #94
Currencies v0.10 (Autosave, Rename Command)
Changes in Currencies v0.10
- Implemented an autosave feature.
- Added a config option for whether or not the amount of a currency that has been minted shows up in the output of the /c info command.
- Allowed players to view information about other currencies with the /c info 'currencyName' command.
- Added the /c rename command.
- When a player clicks while holding a currency and it has the wrong name, this will now be corrected.
Currencies v0.9 (bStats, Currency Descriptions)
Changes in Currencies v0.9
- Integrated bStats with the plugin.
- Fixed faction name mismatch alert getting sent to the player every time they clicked while holding a currency item.
- Added the /c desc command, allowing faction owners to set the description of their currency.
- Added the description of a currency to the output of the info command.
Currencies v0.8 (Amount Tracking, Bug Fix)
Changes in Currencies v0.8
- Added the amount field to
- Increased amount when currency is minted.
- Showed how much of a currency as been minted in the output of the /c info command.
- Fixed null error occurring when a player clicked while holding an item with no lore.
Currencies v0.7 (Config Command, Handling Faction Renaming)
Changes in Currencies v0.7
- Added the /c config command.
- Created the Faction Event Handler class.
- When a faction is renamed, their currency will be updated accordingly.
- If a player clicks with a currency item that has a mismatched faction name, the item will be updated so it has the correct faction name.