GAMM AG DATA collaborative repository for hyperelastic strain energy functions to build benchmarks
At the 13th GAMM AG Data workshop in Darmstadt (Feb 11/12, 2025), the creation of a set of baseline models for the use of benchmarks and simulations was decided on. This repository collects different models for implementation in pytorch
or TensorFlow
. A provisional interface is teased to allow the use from TensorFlow
as well as from pytorch
, independent of the implementation (not all features will be accessible though).
A first demonstration for how to use the models is presented in the base class torch_HypEl
for models written for pytorch
. It contains also a unified demonstration sub-routine and some utilities, e.g., to generate random deformation tensors or relative errors. The demo sub-routine generalizes to all child classes of torch_HypEl
, as long as they provide an analytical expression of the first Piola stress through stress(self, x)
The notation for the inputs/outputs is as follows:
- An orthonormal coordinate system is asserted throughout for simplicity.
- The input is
x[i, j, k] = F[i][j, k]
, i.e.,x[i]
is the $i$th deformation input, and the trailing 2 indices denote the component of the tensor according to
$\boldsymbol{F}_{(i)} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} F_{11} & F_{12} & F_{13} \\ F_{21} & F_{22} & F_{23} \\ F_{31} & F_{32} & F_{33} \end{array} \right)_{(i)}$ - The
forward(self, x)
function provides the strain energyw[i]=
$W(\boldsymbol{F}_{(i)})$ . - The [optional]
stress(self, x)
function is used to validate the stresses$\boldsymbol{P}_{(i)}=\partial_{\boldsymbol{F}} W(\boldsymbol{F}_{(i)})$ ; this function can contain a closed-form implementation of the Piola stress.
The documentation will be placed in a LaTeX document for now. This document (including a compiled version thereof) will be added soon.
Utilities are provided to facilitate testing etc.
rel_err(a, a_ref, eps)
computes relative errors and is safe w.r.t. division by zero errors, as long as$\epsilon>0$ -
RandomDeformations(n, amp)
defines a dataset of$n$ deformations defined via
$ \boldsymbol{F}_{(i)} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 + X & X & X \\ X & 1+X & X \\ X & X & 1+X \end{array} \right)_{(i)},$
where$X \sim $ amp *
$\mathcal{U}([-1, 1])$ (i.e. uniformly random entries of the displacement gradient). -
demo_HypEl(HypElModel, n, amp)
uses the modelHypElModel
and computes the stresses using auto-differentiation (viaautograd_stress(self, x)
from the base classtorch_HypEl
). They are compared to the analytical stress fromstress(self, x)
and the relative errors are printed for each sample. -
illustrates the use ofdemo_HypEl
for a Neo Hooke model.