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Davide Violante edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the Angular-Full-Stack wiki!

This wiki is created by the author of this repository to help you understand this project.

Why Angular Full Stack?

  • Have a complete full stack application using the latest Angular
  • Use one language (TypeScript) for the whole stack

How did you create this project?

  • Most part of the frontend is automatically generated using Angular CLI
  • The backend and the rest is made from scratch

What does npm run dev do?

  • mongod: runs MongoDB daemon, so a local MongoDB database
  • ng serve -pc proxy.conf.json --open: builds the app, serves it from memory, watches for changes and open it in the browser. It uses a proxy for the backend server
  • tsc -w -p server: compiles TypeScript into JavaScript from server folder to dist/server folder. It also watches for changes
  • nodemon: runs app.js file (generated using tsc) while watching for changes. It uses nodemon.json config file
  • All the previous commands are executed concurrently

What does npm run prod do?

  • mongod: same as above
  • ng build -aot -prod: builds the app using AOT and generates a production bundle in dist folder
  • tsc -p server: same as above, but doesn't watch for changes
  • node dist/server/app.js: runs the server using Node
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