This project was created for study purposes. There are several Kafka brokers (+ Zookeeper) one generator and one detector service. Generator service generates data to input Kafka topic (partition=2, replication=2). Detector consumes messages from input topic, apples fraud-detection algorithm :-) and depends on result sends message either to correct or fraud Kafka topics.
docker-compose up
# skip steps for creating cluster and configuring kubectl command
kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml
"user_from": "David",
"user_to": "Denys",
"amount": 846,
"currency": "USD",
"date": "2021-01-01"
For simplicity, all messages with amount > 900 are marker as fraud.
- Remove one broker. Kafka should work well and re-balancing data and load.
- Add one more broker (in total 3). New broker should start works.
- Add one consumer (detector). Old (first consumer before adding consumes data from 2 partition. After adding, each consumer should consume on one partition)
- Add one more consumer (in total 3). One should be IDLE because input partition=2