Welcome to the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game built in C! This project allows you to play against a smart computer opponent that can be adjusted between two levels of difficulty. 🧠💡
- 1. Human Mode (Standard): A balanced mode where you have a fair chance of winning.
- 2. God Mode (Impossible): The ultimate challenge! The computer uses advanced strategies, making it very difficult to defeat. 😈🕹️
- Launch the game:
- Run the executable in your terminal.
- Choose the difficulty:
- Pick between
(Human) or2
- Pick between
- Make your moves:
- As Player X, you’ll go first if chosen randomly.
- Enter the row and column numbers to place your mark on the board.
- Try to win!:
- You win by aligning three X's in a row, column, or diagonal.
The computer will try to block and counter your moves in real-time! 💥💥
After each game, your score will be displayed:
- Player Wins 🏆
- Computer Wins 🤖
- Draws 🤝
The scores will reset once you exit the game.
- Dynamic Board: Updates with each move to reflect the current state of play.
- Two Levels of Difficulty:
- Human Mode: Standard gameplay.
- God Mode: Unbeatable strategy using center and corner control.
- Real-time Feedback:
- Displays messages for wins, draws, and whose turn it is.
- Clear Screen: Provides a smooth, updated visual after each turn.
- player_move: Handles player’s moves, validates input, and ensures a smooth experience.
- computer_move: AI moves based on difficulty setting. In God Mode, the computer prioritizes blocking and winning.
- check_win & check_draw: Evaluate the board to determine a winner or if the game has ended in a draw.
- print_board: Displays the current state of the game board with score tracking.
- Win: Align three X’s or O’s in a row, column, or diagonal.
- Draw: When all cells are filled and there’s no winner.
- Compile:
gcc tic_tac_toe.c -o tic_tac_toe