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Dinir Nertan edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 12 revisions

Here are some issues I was told that can be resolved on the user side.

D-pad/stick I assigned moves weird.

There’s a chance the assigned input is not actually seen by the computer as what it physically looks.

Check the manual of the gamepad to see if the part supports switching the input it sends as. Typically there is a switch with Left Stick, D-Pad, Right Stick labelled, or a button combination to change the input of the d-pad/stick.

Analog sticks keep showing up although I didn’t move them.

The deadzone of the sticks in the mapping is not properly set for the gamepad.

Adjust the sticks to be at the position they should be neutral but not seen as such by the application, then click the corresponding button under Update Deadzone in control panel. The order of the buttons are same to the order under Input Assignment. Any stick input under the value set at the click will be ignored.

I use DS4Windows, and I want to hide one of the two gamepads showing up.

You can hide gamepad slots associated with a gamepad ID (VID/HID) using a custom CSS option of your browser capture.

Add this line as custom CSS, and replace 00000000 with an actual gamepad ID you want to hide:

Hide Gamepads

#canvas-container > div[data-id="00000000"] { display: none; }

If you need to show the gamepads again but don't want to remove the rule away, you can wrap the line with /* and */:

/* #canvas-container > div[data-id="00000000"] { display: none; } */

Because the order of the actual gamepad and the simulated one is swapped after first re-connection, hiding ones with their gamepad ID would be helpful regardless which one is reaching Mini Padder first.

Hide Gamepads: Screenshots