Project developed by [Group C]:
Name | Student Number |
Bruna Marques | 202007191 |
Diogo Silva | 202004288 |
Lia Vieira | 202005042 |
Pedro Fonseca | 202008307 |
data_exploration - general data exploration and understanding processes performed on each dataset file
filtered_cities - CSV files storing only the relevant data for the project (from the selected city or cities), to avoid loading the whole dataset each time
nlp - notebooks dedicated to exploring Natural Language Processing
- nlp/data - folder where the sentiment for each review is stored (review_sentiment.txt) as well as the corpus of each review (corpus.txt)
- nlp/embeddings - folder where the reviews model and word vectors are stored for future use without retraining
- nlp/features - folder where sparse and dense vectors are stored after transformations
time_series - Notebooks dedicated to exploring Time Series
- time_series/data - folder where we save the positive/neutral/negatives reviews per month, as well as, the total/Restaurant/Nightlife/Breakfast&Brunch mean sentiment per month
- time_series/models - folder where the ARIMA models are stored
- time_series/features - folder that saves the same information as data but in each dataset there are more features, such as, box_cox, trend, seasonal, residual, etc.
filter_dataset.ipynb - to store data from city or cities of interest in the filtered_cities folder
- - few helper methods for data loading
nlp/data.ipynb - loads, processes, and analyzes review data to determine sentiment and visualize word usage patterns
nlp/embeddings.ipynb - loads and preprocesses review sentiment data, trains a Word2Vec model to generate word embeddings, and visualizes the embeddings using t-SNE for semantic analysis
nlp/feature_engineering.ipynb - performs text preprocessing, applies various feature engineering techniques including word embeddings and topic modeling, and visualizes the results
nlp/modelling.ipynb - performs sentiment analysis and classification tasks, including feature extraction, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, evaluation, and visualization
time_series/data.ipynb - analyzes Yelp data for St. Louis, including sentiment analysis of reviews, time series plots for user activity and check-ins, and exploration of top business categories
time_series/patterns.ipynb - conducts comprehensive time series analysis on sentiment data, including loading, plotting lag and autocorrelation, testing stationarity, and visualizing rolling statistics
time_series/feature_engineering.ipynb - conducts feature engineering, including Box-Cox transformations and additive decomposition, on time series data for sentiment analysis of reviews
time_series/arima.ipynb - performs ARIMA modeling on various sentiment time series data, including negative, neutral, and positive reviews, along with sentiment analysis for different categories like restaurants, nightlife, and breakfast & brunch
time_series/modelling.ipynb - performs time series forecasting using various models, including ARIMA and exponential smoothing, for different sentiment categories like negative, neutral, and positive reviews, with evaluations and predictions presented