Releases: Distance-Modding/Mod.CameraAdditions
v1.2.7 (BepInEx)
v1.2.6 (BepInEx)
Same thing, now on BepInEx!
- Will only check for hotkeys if a button is being pressed
- Allows other hotkeys to be used even if one of the hotkeys throws an error
This is so the hotkeys no longer cause lag when trying to use them.
This also resulted in a slight change of syntax, you may want to delete the Settings folder if you're updating.
At least I hope it's fixed
Hotkeys now load on startup so you don't have to open the menu to activate them.
basically rolled the version back, also another very minor adjustment that changes nothing
Another attempt at reduce lag
Added a toggle for changing camera position hotkeys to camera rotation hotkeys
Added menu options specifically for camera rotations.
Settings no longer sets unnecessary default data
Minor improvement made to the menu
Camera rotations affect chase cam, mounted cam, and cockpit cam
- Should restore all camera values to default now
- Booleans should be saved properly now.
- Offset sliders are now set to -10, 10 instead of -20, 20
Should now be compatible with the current version of Custom Cars again.