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Django LiveView: Framework for creating Realtime SPAs using HTML over the Wire technology

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Django LiveView

Framework for creating a complete HTML over the Wire site or LiveView

Among its superpowers you can find

  • Create SPAs without using APIs.
  • Uses Django's template system to render the frontend (Without JavaScript).
  • The logic is not split between the backend and the frontend, it all stays in Python.
  • You can still use all of Django's native tools, such as its ORM, forms, plugins, etc.
  • Everything is asynchronous by default.
  • Don't learn anything new. If you know Python, you know how to use Django LiveView.
  • All in real time.

System components communicate through realtime events, where events represent important actions. Every components can produce and consume actions, allowing asynchronous and decoupled communication.

Live Demo πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ

What is HTML over WebSockets?

HTML over WebSockets is a strategy for creating real-time SPAs by creating a WebSockets connection between a client and a server. It allows JavaScript to request actions, its only responsibility is to handle events, and the backend handles the business logic as well as rendering HTML. This means you can create pages without reloading the page, without AJAX, APIs or requests. One technology provides a secure, stable and low-delay connection for real-time web applications.

Let's illustrate with an example. I want to render article number 2.

  1. A WebSockets connection, a channel, is established between the client and the server.

  2. JavaScript sends a text, not a request, via WebSockets to the Server (in our case Django).

  3. Django interprets the text and renders the HTML of the article through the template system and the database.

  4. Django sends the HTML to JavaScript via the channel and tells it which selector to embed it in.

  5. JavaScript draws the received HTML in the indicated selector.

Common cases

This framework contains an example of the most common cases of cat management.

  • Navigation Real-time without loads similar to SPA.
  • URL dynamic update in Browser (Front-End).
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) of pages for SEO (Using
  • Multilanguage.
  • Real-time notification message or "flash message" (Feline notifications πŸˆπŸ“’).
  • Switch to a static page (Home).
  • Switch to a dynamic page (List of cats 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈).
  • Single page (Cat 🐈).
  • Add a new item in the database (πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸˆ).
  • Delete item from the database (🐈☠).
  • Update item from the database (πŸˆπŸ‘‰πŸ•).
  • Broadcast: Sending information to all customers in Real-time (πŸˆπŸ“’ 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈).
  • Navigator whose active button changes dynamically.
  • Contact form with validations.
  • Get file from a client (πŸˆπŸ–ΌοΈ).
  • Login.
  • Private Page (πŸˆβ€β¬›).
  • Get information from an API and render it (comments from jsonplaceholder).
  • Security: Cross-site request forgery protection over WebSockets.
  • RSS feed.
  • TXT files.
  • Sitemap.


  • / -> Home.
  • /about-us/ -> Static page.
  • /cats/ -> List of cats.
  • /cats/felix/ -> Single cat.
  • /cats/felix/new/ -> Add new cat.
  • /cats/felix/update/ -> Update cat.
  • /contact/ -> Contact.
  • /login/ -> Login.
  • /profile/ -> Private page.
  • /comments/ -> List API commets.
  • /feed/ -> Cat Feed (RSS/Atom).
  • /sitemap.txt -> Sitemap (Yes, a Sitemap can also be in txt).
  • /robots.txt -> Tells search engine crawlers which URLs on your site they can access.
  • /humans.txt -> The people behind a website.
  • /security.txt -> Security information that is meant to allow security researchers to easily report security vulnerabilities.
  • /admin/ -> Django admin. (User: admin, Password: admin)


  • Docker πŸ‹
  • Make βš™οΈ

Run πŸƒ

  1. Set environment variables
cp envExample .env
  1. Run Docker.
docker compose up

You may need to stop and restart it because the first time PostgreSQL must be created and Django tries to connect without success.

  1. Make fake data.
make run.fake
  1. Open browser.

Open http://feline-web.localhost/.



Place where the functions and logic of the business logic are stored.


Where to generate URLs for Server-Side Rendering (SSR). It uses the same logic, and therefore resulting HTML, as dynamic views.


Controller between the frontend and the backend. It captures the frontend queries and their information, to execute the appropriate action.


HTML templates that will use the for SSR and the actions for rendering the different elements or responses.

How does the information move?

When an event occurs in the frontend, HTML generation is not JavaScript's job. All logic, rendering, updating and any functionality is handled by the backend.

A simple case: a button that when clicked displays a modal. The flow of actions would be as follows:

  1. Stimulus would capture the click event, maybe a button.
  2. The Stimulus Controller (home_controller.js) function sends via WebSockets (using sendData), the action it needs together with the collected information.
  3. would decide which functionality should be executed. They are hosted in the appropriate action. Depending on the action we will do one task or another. Example: If the action is home->open_modal, we will call the function actions.home.open_modal in Django.
  4. Action (actions directory) is executed by rendering the new HTML from a template. Perhaps modal.html.
  5. The HTML is sent via consumer.send_html() through WebSockets to the client that has requested to execute the action.
  6. Frontend receives a JSON with the new HTML, along with other properties. Inside JSON is specified in which id the prerendered HTML should be inserted. In this case it will fill an empty element with modal.html contain.

Additionally, without the frontend having to intervene, the browser URL is updated or it is decided whether the HTML is to be replaced or added.

Below you can see an example of how to add a functionality.

Add a feature πŸͺ„

In the following example we are going to explain how to create the "Get random number with HTML" button functionality present in the About us page.

I strongly recommend that you first read the Stimulus documentation.

1. Include in the page the HTML button

We will also include the event definition following the Stimulus documentation.

In templates/pages/about_us.html:

        {% trans "Get random numberwith HTML" %}

And a container, with a unique id, to indicate where the final result will be rendered.

<div id="content-random-number-html"></div>

Let's not forget that all of this must be wrapped in an element with the appropriate data-controller.

<div data-controller="aboutUs">

Everything together would be as follows:

<div data-controller="aboutUs">
            {% trans "Get random numberwith HTML" %}
    <div id="content-random-number-html"></div>

2. Define the functionality of the JavaScript event

In assets/js/controllers/about_us_controller.js, we add the function getRandomNumberHTML. It will not send any information, it will only invoke the Action update_random_number_html on file about_us (app/website/actions/

import { Controller } from "../vendors/stimulus.js";
import { sendData } from "../webSocketsCli.js";
import { getLang } from "../mixins/miscellaneous.js";

export default class extends Controller {

    static targets = [];

    getRandomNumberHTML(event) {
                action: "about_us->update_random_number_html",
                data: {}

3. Create functionality in the action

In app/website/actions/, we add the function update_random_number_html.

from random import randint

def update_random_number_html(consumer, client_data):
    """Update random number html"""
    data = {
        "action": client_data["action"],
        "selector": "#content-random-number-html",
        "html": render_to_string(
            "components/_random_number.html", {"number": randint(0, 100)}

First we define the dictionary needed by the FrontEnd with the minimum information.

  • action: It is optional. It is used in case you want to activate the cache system so that the client can continue navigating with connection errors or simply to avoid making requests to the Actions. The most common is to return the same string that comes from the FrontEnd.
  • selector: Indicate the selector where the HTML will be rendered.
  • html: The HTML to place inside the selector. It is rendered from the BackEnd using the render_to_string function. The first parameter indicates the template path (we will define it in the next step) and the second one the context. In our case a random number with the name number.
  • consumer.send_html(data): Sends the above dictionary to the client via WebSockets. When the FrontEnd receives the information, it will interpret the information and place the HTML in the appropriate sector.

4. Create HTML template for rendering

We create a HTML file in templates/components/_random_number.html with the following content:

<h3>{{ number }}</h3>

And we are done.

Create a new page πŸ—’οΈβž•

When we create a page we must enable the possibility for Django to generate a static page, in case it enters by URL, in addition to preparing a new Action for its dynamic generation. Therefore we must follow the following steps.

In the following example we are going to create the About us page.

1. Define the route

In we add the path and point to the future view.

urlpatterns = i18n_patterns(
    path(_("about-us/"), views.about_us, name="about us"),

2. Define the view

In app/website/ we add the view.

def about_us(request):
    return render(request, "base.html", get_about_us_context())

Where does get_about_us_context() come from? It will be loaded automatically. It will look for an Action called and inside it will get the get_context function which in the view will have the alias get_about_us_context(). That there are no conflicts with other contexts.

3. Add new Action

We create the file inside app/website/actions with the following content.

from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.templatetags.static import static
from import get_global_context
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from import (
from core import settings

template = "pages/about_us.html"

def get_context():
    context = get_global_context()
    # Update context
            "url": settings.DOMAIN_URL + reverse("about us"),
            "title": _("About us") + " | " + settings.SITE_NAME,
            "meta": {
                "description": _("About us page of the website"),
                "image": f"{settings.DOMAIN_URL}{static('img/seo/cat.jpg')}",
            "active_nav": "about us",
            "page": template,
    return context

def get_html(lang=None):
    return render_to_string(template, get_context())

def send_page(consumer, client_data, lang=None):
    # Nav
    update_active_nav(consumer, "about us")
    # Main
    data = {
        "action": client_data["action"],
        "selector": "#main",
        "html": get_html(lang=lang),

4. Add template

We create the about_us.html file inside templates/pages with the following content.

{% load i18n %}
<h1>{% trans "About us page" %}</h1>

5. Add event handler in JavaScript

Using Stimulus, we will create the controller. To do this we create a file called about_us_controller.js in assets/js/controllers with the following content.

import { Controller } from "../vendors/stimulus.js";
import { sendData } from "../webSocketsCli.js";
import { getLang } from "../mixins/miscellaneous.js";

export default class extends Controller {

    static targets = [];

    foo(event) {
                action: "foo->boo",
                data: {}

And we register it in assets/js/main.js.

import { connect, startEvents } from './webSocketsCli.js';
import { Application } from "./vendors/stimulus.js";
import contactController from "./controllers/contact_controller.js"; // New line


// WebSocket connection

// Stimulus
window.Stimulus = Application.start();

// Register all controllers
Stimulus.register("contact", contactController); // New line


Use make to automate the most common tasks.

run.compilemessages       Compile messages
run.fake                  Fake data
run.format                Format style with black
run.makemessages          Make messages
run.server                Run server


make run.format

More documentation

I have written a book where I explain all the concepts I have used in the template, explained step by step and some other mechanisms that are not present. If you are interested in further increasing your knowledge about HTML over WebSockets in Python, or creating real-time SPAs using Django, I recommend you to buy a copy. In addition, you will indirectly support me to continue working on the template.


  • Create framework
  • Deploy live demo
  • Migrate consumers to asynchronous calls
  • Publish package
  • Website
  • Tutorials
    • Installation
    • Static page
    • Rendered page from the database
    • Add a feature
    • Broadcast
    • Form with validations
    • Send email
    • CRUD from the database
    • Multi-language
    • Login
    • Private page
    • Close session
    • Upload images

Technology Stack 😍