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Pack Making JSON Animatables

DonBruce64 edited this page Apr 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

This isn't so much an item in a pack, as it is a framework that a lot of the pack content is based on. Specifically, animatables are pack content that can be rendered and animated. Examples include vehicles, decor, and bullets. All things that are animatables contain the following JSON sections:

  • general
  • definitions
  • constantValues – A mapping of constant-value variable names to values. These variables will be added into the listing of active variables the moment the JSON is loaded. Note that they CAN be over-written if referenced as such, so keep this in mind.
  • initialVariables – A list of variables that will be set during initial placement of this object. These can be used to set initial states, such as open doors or lights.
  • variableModifiers
  • rendering
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