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Pack Making JSON Potion Effects

Turbo Defender edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Potion effects only appear on content that can apply potion effects on the player or other entities. This is either through the main effects section, or via a part-specific effect. The parameters are the same in all cases, and consist of the following:

  • name – This should match one of the 27 potion names provided by the base game. Note that many of these effects will be useless while riding in a vehicle, but the ability to add them has been provided regardless. Also note that modded potions may be applied, provided they use the standard position registration system. Base-game valid names are as follows: speed, slowness, haste, mining_fatigue, strength, instant_health, instant_damage, jump_boost, nausea, regeneration, resistance, fire_resistance, water_breathing, invisibility, blindness, night_vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither, health_boost, absorption, saturation, glowing, levitation, luck, unluck
  • duration – How long the effect will last, in ticks. For most effects, this just needs to be high enough that the effect doesn’t wear out before the system has a chance to reapply it, meaning a value of 5 should certainly do the trick. Some effects (like night_vision), however, behave differently once below a certain value (200 ticks), so in those cases, you may want the value to be higher. Regardless of this value, riders will not keep their effects after exiting the vehicle.
  • amplifier – Impacts the intensity of the effect (must be an integer between 0 and 255). Has no impact on many potion effects, so for those, it can be left out or set to zero. Note that Minecraft adds 1 to this value, so a strength effect with an amplifier of 1 will appear as "Strength II".
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