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Pack Making JSON Rendering

DonBruce64 edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 9 revisions

This section only appears on content that requires OBJ models, however, you'll find the entries that make up its-sub-sections all over the place. These sections are tied to the animation system, and are used to move and animate OBJ models, play sounds, render text, and define cameras. As such, the rendering section consists of the following:

  • animatedObjects – A list of the animated objects this model has.
  • lightObjects – A list of the light objects this model has.
  • textObjects – A list of text objects this model will render.
  • cameraObjects – A list of cameras this object provides.
  • sounds – A list of sounds this object will play. Can be used for anything, be it gun firing sounds, engine sounds, the whine of tires, etc. A quiet car is a bland car!
  • particles– A list of particles that this object can spawn. Think exhausts and burnout smoke, but also dirt from tires and water from outboard motors.
  • customVariables – A list of custom variable names. These may be assigned any name, and are used for custom animation that don't fit neatly into the pre-defined variables. The default panel will fit up to 4 of these. However, custom panels may be used to fit as many as you can put on the screen itself.
  • modelType - The type of model that this entity will render from. Currently obj, littletiles (txt format), and none (don't render anything) are supported.
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