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function cout = nicecolor(c);% cvector = nicecolor('r' | 'b' | etc. | 'R' | 'B' | etc. | 'yr' | 'brW' | etc.);% cvector = nicecolor('q1' ... 'q9');% cvector = nicecolor(same cvector)% clist = nicecolor(cell array of the above);%% NICECOLOR(a letter) returns the numbers for a standard Matlab color ('r','k',% etc.) or nicer versions of the same ('R','B',etc.). Blends are allowable too:% nicecolor('Bkr') is the element-by-element average of 'B' and 'k' and 'r'.% NICECOLOR('q' followed by a number) is a shade of gray: 'q7' is [.7 .7 .7].% NICECOLOR('q') = NICECOLOR('q5').% if a 3-element color vector is passed to NICECOLOR, it passes out the other% end unchanged.%% neil banas, feb 2002% ( % options that include r, g, b, c, m, y, k, w, R, G, B, C, M, Y, K, W%-------------------cnames = 'rgbcmykwRGBCMYKW';colors = [1 0 0; % r0 1 0; % g0 0 1; % b0 1 1; % c1 0 1; % m1 1 0; % y0 0 0; % k1 1 1; % w1 .4 .4; % R: salmony0 .7 0; % G: a bit darker0 .4 1; % B: lighter: prints like 'b' appears on screen.2 1 1; % C: a bit darker.8 0 .6; % M: purple.9 .8 0; % Y: a bit darker0 0 0; % K1 1 1];% W%--------------------cc={};if ~iscell(c) for r = 1:size(c,1), cc = {cc{:} c(r,:)}; end else cc = c;endfor r = 1:length(cc) if ischar(cc{r}) cout(r,:) = colorblend(cc{r},colors,cnames); else cout(r,:) = cc{r}; endend%--------------------function cout0 = colorblend(c0,colors,cnames);cl = [];i = 1;while i <= length(c0) doublelength = 0; if c0(i)=='q' & i~=length(c0) doublelength = (c0(i+1) >= '0' & c0(i+1) <= '9'); end if doublelength cl = [cl; singlecolor(c0(i:i+1),colors,cnames)]; i = i + 2; else cl = [cl; singlecolor(c0(i),colors,cnames)]; i = i + 1; endendif size(cl,1) > 1 cout0 = mean(cl);else cout0 = cl;end%--------------------function cout1 = singlecolor(c1,colors,cnames);if c1(1)=='q' if length(c1)==1 cout1 = [.5 .5 .5]; else cout1 = str2num(c1(2))/10 .* [1 1 1]; endelseif length(c1) > 1 error(['nicecolor.m: bad color name (''' c1 ''')']);else j = find(cnames==c1); if isempty(j), error(['nicecolor.m: bad color name (''' c1 ''')']); end cout1 = colors(find(cnames==c1),:);end