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DatabaseMapping. database mapping. Automatically create tables based on the model. 数据库模型映射. 自动建表, 自动更新表. 增删改查一句话搞定. 支持模糊查询, 各种插入和更新, 支持存储模型数组. pod SJDBMap


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Object To Database Mapping


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根据模型自动创建与该类相关的表(多个表), 可以进行增删改查. 当类添加了新的属性的时候, 会自动更新相关的表字段. Automatically create tables based on the model. To achieve additions and deletions. When the class adds a new attribute, it will automatically update the relevant table field.

数据库依据模型进行存储,因此存储的目标需要是对象.例如直接存储数组是无法存储的, 需要在外层包一个类, 将数组做为这个类的属性. 示例如下:

The database is stored on the basis of the model, so the stored target needs to be an object. For example, a array can not be stored, a class is needed in the outer layer, and the array is used as an property for this class.

@interface ClassA : NSObject

@interface Example : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSInteger ID;
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSArray<ClassA *> *arr; 

Example *obj = [Example new];
obj.ID = 111;
obj.arr = @[A1, A2, A3];
[[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] insertOrUpdateDataWithModel:obj callBlock:nil];

insertOrUpdate 插入数据或更新数据

数据在插入表之前, 会检测是否已经存在相关表。如果不存在,会先创建相关表(可能会创建多个表), 再进行数据的更新或插入。 如果类中新添了属性, 会自动检测并更新相关表字段。
Data before the table is inserted, it will detect whether the relevant table already exists. If it does not exist, it will first create a related table (may create multiple tables), and then update the data or insert. If a new attribute is added to the class, the associated table field is automatically detected and updated.

- (void)insertOrUpdate {
    Person *sj = [Person new];
    sj.personID = 0; = @"sj";
    sj.tags = @[[PersonTag tagWithID:0 des:@"A"],
                [PersonTag tagWithID:1 des:@"B"],
                [PersonTag tagWithID:2 des:@"C"],
                [PersonTag tagWithID:3 des:@"D"],
                [PersonTag tagWithID:4 des:@"E"],];
    [[SJDBMap sharedServer] insertOrUpdateDataWithModel:sj callBlock:^(BOOL result) {
        // ....
- (void)update {
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] update:person property:@[@"tags", @"age"] callBlock:^(BOOL result) {
            // ....
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] update:person insertedOrUpdatedValues:@{@"tags":insertedValues} callBlock:^(BOOL r) { 
        // ....

delete 删除

删除数据是删除该类对应的表的数据, 与其关联的其他类的数据没有做处理。
Deleting data is to delete the data of the corresponding table of the class, and the data of the other class associated with it is not processed.

- (void)del {
    [[SJDBMap sharedServer] deleteDataWithClass:[Person class] primaryValue:0 callBlock:^(BOOL result) {
       // ...
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] deleteDataWithClass:[Person class] primaryValues:@[@(1), @(0)] callBlock:^(BOOL r) {
       // ... 
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] deleteDataWithModels:personModels callBlock:^(BOOL result) {
       // ...

query 查询

查询数据会将与该类相关的所有数据都读取出来, 并转换相应的模型。
The query data will read all the data associated with that class and convert the corresponding model.

- (void)query {
    [[SJDBMap sharedServer] queryAllDataWithClass:[Person class] completeCallBlock:^(NSArray<id> * _Nonnull data) {
       // ...
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] queryDataWithClass:[Person class] primaryValue:12 completeCallBlock:^(id<SJDBMapUseProtocol>  _Nullable model) {
        // ...
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] queryDataWithClass:[Person class] queryDict:@{@"name":@"sj", @"age":@(20)} completeCallBlock:^(NSArray<id<SJDBMapUseProtocol>> * _Nullable data) {
        // ...
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] queryDataWithClass:[Person class] range:NSMakeRange(2, 10) completeCallBlock:^(NSArray<id<SJDBMapUseProtocol>> * _Nullable data) { 
        // ...
// 模糊查询
- (void)fuzzyQuery {
    // 匹配以 's' 开头的name.
    [[SJDatabaseMap sharedServer] fuzzyQueryDataWithClass:[Person class] queryDict:@{@"name":@"s"} match:SJDatabaseMapFuzzyMatchFront completeCallBlock:^(NSArray<id<SJDBMapUseProtocol>> * _Nullable data) {
       // ... 
     *  匹配左右两边
     *  ...A...
    SJDatabaseMapFuzzyMatchAll = 0,
     *  匹配以什么开头
     *  ABC.....
     *  匹配以什么结尾
     *  ...DEF


Imp SJDBMapUseProtocol Method.

@interface SampleVideoModel : NSObject<SJDBMapUseProtocol>
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger videoId;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<SampleVideoTag *> *tags;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<SampleUser *> *likedUsers;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SampleOrgan *organ;

@implementation SampleVideoModel
+ (NSString *)primaryKey {
    return @"videoId";

// model
+ (NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> *)correspondingKeys {
    return @{

// arr
+ (NSDictionary<NSString *,Class> *)arrayCorrespondingKeys {
    return @{
            @"tags":[SampleVideoTag class],
            @"likedUsers":[SampleUser class],

Use attention 使用注意

The model requires a primary key or a self-incrementing key


DatabaseMapping. database mapping. Automatically create tables based on the model. 数据库模型映射. 自动建表, 自动更新表. 增删改查一句话搞定. 支持模糊查询, 各种插入和更新, 支持存储模型数组. pod SJDBMap







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