A collaboration project with Bob64, also known as DustyBagel, to help Technic and Elepower work together. Recipes were added for Technic machines to make some items from Elepower, and for Elepower machines to make some items from Technic. A new electric converter connects Technic and Elepower grids together when enabled.
Please note that the power converter developed by Bob64 is not fully complete. Bugs are still possible, so please report any issues on GitHub. There are also some duplication glitches from having Elepower and Technic modpacks together. There are plans to fix these if it is possible to do so. The sandstone duplication bugs have already been dealt with.
All content contained within is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. If you have questions about the copyright of this mod, you can contact us at aldoessoftwaredevelopment@gamil.com.
Copyright (C) 2023-24 DumbDave961 and Bob64 aka DustyBagel ALdoessoftwaredevelopment@gmail.com