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File metadata and controls

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CWL Workflows

There is a set of CWL workflow scripts in the repository (/scripts/cwl_workflows) for each realm. Each workflow breaks the input files up into manageable segment size and perform all the required input processing needed before invoking e3sm_to_cmip. These scripts have been designed to run on a SLURM cluster in parallel and will process an arbitrarily large set of simulation data in whatever chunk size required.

Setting up your CWL environment

To use the CWL workflows you will need additional dependencies in your environment:

conda install -c conda-forge cwltool nodejs

When CWL runs it needs somewhere to store its intermediate files. By default it will use the systems $TMPDIR but in some cases that wont work, for example on NERSC the compute nodes wont have access to the login nodes /tmp directory. An easy solution for this is to create a directory on a shared mount, and run export TMPDIR=/path/to/shared/location and then when running the cwltool use the --tmpdir-prefix=$TMPDIR argument.

Using the CWL Workflows

Each of the directories under scripts/cwl_workflows holds a single self-contained workflow. The name of the workflow matches the name of the directory, for example under the mpaso directory is a file named mpaso.cwl which contains the workflow.

The beginning of each workflow contains an inputs section which defines the required parameters, for example

    data_path: string
    metadata: File
    workflow_output: string

    mapfile: File
    frequency: int

    namelist_path: string
    region_path: string
    restart_path: string

    tables_path: string
    cmor_var_list: string[]

    timeout: int
    partition: string
    account: string

Along with each of the cwl workflows is an example yaml parameter file, for example along with mpaso.cwl is mpaso-job.yaml which contains the following:

data_path: /p/user_pub/e3sm/staging/prepub/1_1_ECA/ssp585-BDRD//1deg_atm_60-30km_ocean/ocean/native/model-output/mon/ens1/v0/
workflow_output: /p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/workshop/ssp585/ssp585/output/pp/cmor/ssp585/2015_2100

    class: File
    path: /p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/workshop/ssp585/ssp585/output/pp/cmor/ssp585/2015_2100/user_metadata.json
    class: File
    path: /export/zender1/data/maps/

frequency: 5
namelist_path: /p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/workshop/E3SM-1-1-ECA.hist-bgc/mpaso_in
region_path: /p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/resources/
restart_path: /p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/workshop/E3SM-1-1-ECA.hist-bgc/
tables_path: /export/baldwin32/projects/cmor/Tables

timeout: 10:00:00
account: e3sm
partition: debug

cmor_var_list: [masso, volo, thetaoga, tosga, soga, sosga, zos, masscello, tos, tob, sos, sob, mlotst, fsitherm, wfo, sfdsi, hfds, tauuo, tauvo, thetao, so, uo, vo, wo, hfsifrazil, zhalfo]

Once the parameter file is complete, the workflow can be executed by calling the cwltool

cwltool --tmpdir-prefix=$TMPDIR ~/projects/e3sm_to_cmip/scripts/cwl_workflows/mpaso/mpaso.cwl mpaso-job.yaml

End-to-End High Frequency Example

The first step is to check what variables in the raw input data are possible to be converted at the desired frequency. For this we need to use the "info" option and give it three things, the frequency of data we want to convert, the input path to the raw data (not time-series, but native model output), and the location of our copy of the CMIP6 controlled vocabulary tables:

>> e3sm_to_cmip --info -v all --input /p/user_pub/work/E3SM/1_0/historical/1deg_atm_60-30km_ocean/atmos/native/model-output/day/ens1/v1/ --tables ~/projects/cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables/
CMIP6 Name: huss,
CMIP6 Table: CMIP6_day.json,
CMIP6 Units: 1,
E3SM Variables: QREFHT
CMIP6 Name: tas,
CMIP6 Table: CMIP6_day.json,
CMIP6 Units: K,
E3SM Variables: TREFHT
CMIP6 Name: tasmin,
CMIP6 Table: CMIP6_day.json,
CMIP6 Units: K,
E3SM Variables: TREFHTMN
CMIP6 Name: tasmax,
CMIP6 Table: CMIP6_day.json,
CMIP6 Units: K,
E3SM Variables: TREFHTMX
CMIP6 Name: rlut,
CMIP6 Table: CMIP6_day.json,
CMIP6 Units: W m-2,
E3SM Variables: FLUT

The next step is to find and setup the corresponding CWL workflow, in this case since we're processing daily data we want to use the "atm-day" workflow under e3sm_to_cmip/scripts/cwl_workflows which you can find here. The CWL parameter file atm-day-job.yaml needs to be edited with the values for our case. We need to take the E3SM variable names given by the "--info" request earler and put them into the std_var_list parameter, and take the CMIP6 variable names and put them into the std_cmor_list parameter. Create a new directory to hold your output, and place the new parameter file there.

# path to the raw model data
data_path: /p/user_pub/work/E3SM/1_0/historical/1deg_atm_60-30km_ocean/atmos/native/model-output/day/ens1/v1/

# size of output data files in years
frequency: 25

# number of ncremap workers
num_workers: 12

# slurm account info
account: e3sm
partition: debug
timeout: 2:00:00

# horizontal regridding file path
hrz_atm_map_path: /export/zender1/data/maps/

# path to CMIP6 tables directory
tables_path: /export/baldwin32/projects/cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables/

# path to CMOR case metadata
metadata_path: /p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/resources/CMIP6-Metadata/1.0/historical_ens1.json

# list if E3SM raw variable names

# list of CMIP6 variable names
std_cmor_list: [huss, tas, tasmin, tasmax, rlut]

Make a temp directory to contain the intermediate files created by the workflow, and set it as your TMPDIR

cd /p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/workshop/highfreq/1.0/historical
mkdir tmp
export TMPDIR=/p/user_pub/e3sm/baldwin32/workshop/highfreq/1.0/historical/tmp

And startup the CWL workflow

>> cwltool --tmpdir-prefix=$TMPDIR --preserve-environment UDUNITS2_XML_PATH ~/projects/e3sm_to_cmip/scripts/cwl_workflows/atm-day/atm-day.cwl historical-atm-day-ens1.yaml

This will launch a fairly long running job as it steps through all the parts of the workflow. If you're running a very large set of data, it can help to use the nohup tool to wrap the command so it doesnt get interupted by logging out.