This repository contains data for paper ReviewRobot: Explainable Paper Review Generation based on Knowledge Synthesis. [Dataset]
There are three folders: Raw_data
, IE_result
, and KGs
The Raw_data
has two parts: Background
Corpus and Paper-review
We create the Background Corpus
by selecting machine learning related pappers from the Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus. It contains papers with their titles and abstracts published from the year of 1965 to 2019 (included).
The Paper-review Corpus
contains parsed paper pdfs and their corresponding reviews. The paper-review pairs of acl_2017
and iclr_2017
folders come from PeerRead dataset. We fetched the rest from OpenReview and NeruIPS. We parsed those pdfs using GROBID. In each folder, metadata.txt
contains all human reviews, and the txt/
folder contains all processed papers.
The IE_result
folder contains information extraction results from SciIE. In each group, the *_json/
contains tokenized texts, and the *_output/
contains IE results of tokenized texts.
The Background_IE
contains two folders from one group for all paper abstracts from 1965 to 2019.
The Paper-review_IE
contains four folders from two groups. The first group: iclrnipsabs_json
and iclrnipsabs_output
contain IE results for abstracts of Paper-review Corpus
. The second group: iclrnips_json
and iclrnips_output
contain IE results for rest of papers in Paper-review Corpus
The KGs
folder contains the knowledge graphs built on the IE_result
The back_kg
contains the background KGs built up to a certain year. For each year, there are three files.
Take 2012 as an example:
contains the background knowledge graph up to (include) 2012. It contains a dictionary of 6 fields:num_doc
is the number of papers up to that year,cluster2entity
is a mapping from the entity to its mentions,entity2cluster
is a mapping from the mention to its corresponding entity,cluster2type
is a mapping from the entity to its type,entity
refers to all mentions in current KG, andrelations
refers to all relations in current KG.2012_key.pkl
contains the mappings from knowledge elements to paper ids. It has two fields:cluster
is the mapping from an entity to its corresponding paper ids, andrelation
is the mapping from a relation to the corresponding paper ids.2012_paper
contains the mappings from paper id to its paper title.
The idea_kg
folder contains idea KGs constructed from paper abstracts and conclusions. Each line is a paper in the venue and has the following fields: id
for the paper id, abs_num
for the number of abstract sentences, sent
for all sentences related to idea_kg
, entity
for all mentions in current KG, cluster2sent
for the corresponding sentence ids for a specific entity, entity2num
for the occurence of a specific mention, relation2num
for the occurence of a specific relation, cluster2entity
for a mapping from the entity to its mentions, entity2type
conains a mapping from the mention to the type, relations
for all relations in current KG, relation2sent
for corresponding sentence ids for a specific relation, and entity2cluster
for a mapping from the mention to its corresponding entity.
The related_kg
contains related KGs constructed from related work for each venue. It is of the same structure as idea_kg
The contribute_kg
contains contribute KGs constructed from paper contribution section (under introduction section) and experiment section. It contains a dictionary of 4 fields: id
for the paper id, total
for the number of entities covered in the contribution section, covered
for the number of entities covered in the experiment section, sents
related sentences that covered those entities from both sections.
The future_kg
contains future KGs constructed from future work for each venue. It is of the same structure as idea_kg
The Review-annotation
folder contains human annotations for review category and paper-review sentence pairs. The review.txt
contains annotation for review category including 236 sentences for "SUMMARY", 33 sentences for "NOVELTY", 174 sentences for "SOUNDNESS_CORRECTNESS", 16 sentences for "MEANINGFUL_COMPARISON", and 14 sentences for "IMPACT". The pair.txt
contains 2,535 review-paper pairs. For each pair, the first slot is the review sentence; the second slot is the paper sentence, the third slot is the label where 0 indicates two sentences are not related and 1 indicates they are related.
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