From c9d22a93516d78327e512e8f49a17cc50b5e2e23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Denovellis Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2022 19:35:56 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Fix references --- paper.bib | 59 +++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) diff --git a/paper.bib b/paper.bib index c7e9a97..4d987b7 100644 --- a/paper.bib +++ b/paper.bib @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ @article{AoiRateadjustedspikeLFP2015 doi = {10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.11.012}, isbn = {0165-0270}, langid = {english}, - file = {/Users/edeno/Dropbox (Personal)/Papers/Journal of Neuroscience Methods-/2015/Journal of Neuroscience Methods-2015-Aoi et al-Rate-adjusted spike–LFP coherence comparisons from spike-train statistics.pdf} } @inproceedings{BaccalaGeneralizedpartialdirected2007, @@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ @inproceedings{BaccalaGeneralizedpartialdirected2007 pages = {163--166}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, doi = {10.1109/ICDSP.2007.4288544}, - file = {/Users/edeno/Dropbox (Personal)/Papers/Digital Signal Processing, 2007 15th International Conference on-/2007/Digital Signal Processing, 2007 15th International Conference on-2007-Baccalá et al-Generalized partial directed coherence.pdf} } @article{BaccalaPartialdirectedcoherence2001, @@ -43,7 +41,6 @@ @article{BaccalaPartialdirectedcoherence2001 issn = {0340-1200}, doi = {10.1007/PL00007990}, langid = {english}, - 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file = {/Users/edeno/Zotero/storage/G7743XGF/Muller et al. - 2015 - Python in Neuroscience.PDF} } -@techreport{SchlaflyPythonpracticingneuroscientist2020, - type = {Preprint}, - title = {Python for the Practicing Neuroscientist: An Online Educational Resource}, - shorttitle = {Python for the Practicing Neuroscientist}, - author = {Schlafly, Emily and Cheung, Anthea and Michalka, Samantha W and Lipton, Paul A and Kochlacs, Caroline Moore and Bohland, Jason and Eden, Uri T and Kramer, Mark}, - year = {2020}, - month = jul, - institution = {{Preprints}}, +@article{SchlaflyPythonpracticingneuroscientist2020, doi = {10.22541/au.159363438.81020330}, - abstract = {As neuronal data accumulates worldwide, accessible - yet rigorous - resources to develop hands-on experience with modern data analysis techniques are required. We present here an online educational resource for neural data analysis ( To reach the biologists, psychologists, and clinicians collecting neuronal data, we assume only a basic mathematics background, common to those trained in biological sciences. Through an interdisciplinary case-study approach, we use real-world data to motivate the study of modern quantitative analysis methods in Python. A modular format provides multiple coherent learning paths through the material, and thereby allows personalized learning for individuals with varying quantitative backgrounds and research interests, and flexible curation of material for redeployment in other curricula. Developed using Jupyter notebooks, the material supports fully interactive environments in most web browsers, and hosted on GitHub, the material is freely available for reuse, modification, and further development by the community.}, - langid = {english}, - file = {/Users/edeno/Zotero/storage/48VNSJCT/Schlafly et al. - 2020 - Python for the practicing neuroscientist an onlin.pdf} + url = {}, + year = {2020}, + month = {jul}, + publisher = {Authorea, Inc.}, + author = {Emily Schlafly and Anthea Cheung and Samantha W Michalka and Paul A Lipton and Caroline Moore Kochlacs and Jason Bohland and Uri T Eden and Mark Kramer}, + title = {Python for the practicing~ neuroscientist: an online educational resource} } \ No newline at end of file