Releases: EdiGlacUQ/fenics_ice
Fenics_ice v2.0.0
This release tags the model version used in Recinos et al. (manuscript to be submitted to Geophysical Research Letters). It includes modifications necessary for applying the Fenics_ice error propagation framework across all ice streams in West Antarctica. For more details, visit the project repository.
Release to tag the model version used by Recinos et. al. (to be submitted to The Cryosphere).
This version holds changes needed in order to apply Fenics_ice error propagation framework to three West Antarctic ice streams. More information see the following link.
fenics_ice is a Python code intended for Bayesian quantification of uncertainty of large-scale parameter sets within an ice-sheet flow model. the code contains a dynamic solver for ice-sheet flow which implements the Shallow-Shelf Approximation (MacAyeal et al, 1989, ) and approximates parameter covariance using a low-rank approximation to the inverse of the cost-function Hessian. The code uses Algorithmic Differentiation to find sensitivity of time-evolving Quantities of Interest to parameter sets, allowing projections of parameter uncertainty forward in time.
MacAyeal, D. R. (1989), Large‐scale ice flow over a viscous basal sediment: Theory and application to ice stream B, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 94( B4), 4071– 4087.
fenics_ice is a Python code intended for Bayesian quantification of uncertainty of large-scale parameter sets within an ice-sheet flow model. the code contains a dynamic solver for ice-sheet flow which implements the Shallow-Shelf Approximation (MacAyeal et al, 1989, ) and approximates parameter covariance using a low-rank approximation to the inverse of the cost-function Hessian. The code uses Algorithmic Differentiation to find sensitivity of time-evolving Quantities of Interest to parameter sets, allowing projections of parameter uncertainty forward in time.
MacAyeal, D. R. (1989), Large‐scale ice flow over a viscous basal sediment: Theory and application to ice stream B, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 94( B4), 4071– 4087.