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File metadata and controls

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Analysis Driver

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  • Reporting-App - Rest API for storing QC data and tracking the running of pipeline stages
  • EGCG-Core - Interaction with the Rest API and Clarity Lims, HSM data archiving, notifications, and resource manager job execution


These can be found in bin/. Currently, these are:

  • - The main entry point for running the pipeline
  • - Entry point for rerunning QC data generation for a given dataset
  • - Entry point for rerunning the QC crawlers for a given dataset, pushing/re-pushing QC data to the Rest API


The Analysis Driver consists of several modules, each in turn consisting of several files/functions/classes:


Classes that run checks on output files generated from the main pipeline.

  • BCLValidator - Runs gzip -t on BCL files in a directory and records exit statuses in a csv record
  • Relatedness - Checks relatedness for multiple samples using vcftools relatedness2
  • BadCycleTileDetector - Inspects a run's InterOp files for low-quality tiles and cycles to pass to fastq_filterer
  • GenotypeValidation - Uses bwa, samtools and gatk to validate called snps against a test dataset. Compares a sample's genotype with an expected, queries the LIMS for an expected genotype vcf, and writes a file containing the results of comparing the observed and expected vcfs
  • SexValidation - Quantifies X-chromosome heterozygosity in BCBio's output haplotype vcf. Produces a file containing the called sex, to be compared against that supplied in the Lims
  • FastqScreen - Checks fastqs for sample contamination using fastqscreen
  • Blast - Checks a fastq file for contamination using NCBI Blast
  • VerifyBamID - Checks a Bam file for species contamination using VerifyBamID
  • VCFStats - Checks for contamination using VCF metrics from rtg vcfstats
  • SamtoolsDepth - Uses samtools to calculate median coverage in a Bam file
  • WellDuplicates - Runs well_duplicates, a tool for predicting duplicate reads in the flowcell


Parsers for files supplied and generated during the pipeline.

  • run_info
    • RunInfo - Represents an instance of RunInfo.xml. Reads in the xml and constructs a Mask object from the <Reads> element.
    • Mask - Represents a read mask to be passed to bcl2fastq via sample_sheet.generate_mask.
  • mapping_stats_parsers - Functions that pick up QC information from files generated by BCBio, including samtools_stats.txt, sort-callable.bed, highdepth-stats.yaml and fastqc reports.
  • demultiplexing_parsers - Functions for picking up QC information from Stats.json and demultiplexing_stats.xml (generated by bcl2fastq) and also files produced by seqtk, containing base counts with adaptors removed.


Miscellaneous utilities and a collection of functions that build string Bash commands for running bcl2fastq, fastqc, BCBio, etc.


Contains crawlers that scan for QC files, parses them using functions from reader and pushes data to the Rest API.


The main 'client' script for the Analysis Driver. Sets up argparsing, logging and notifications, calls dataset_scanner to find new datasets, runs the first ready dataset, and marks it as successful or failed depending on the exit status.


Contains several config objects, which read various files in search paths and in etc/.


When a pipeline is running, data about the pipeline run is handled by a Dataset object. The Dataset interacts with external data sources and controls notifications. The dataset in turn contains a MostRecentProc object, which handles the stages of the pipeline run.

Dataset.dataset_status gets the running status of the dataset - used by dataset_scanner to determine whether to process the dataset. dataset_reprocess is treated as invisible, and will show up as either dataset_new or dataset_ready depending on the dataset's ready status.

The dataset is able to stop an already-running pipeline by sending it a SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2. SIGUSR2 will stop a pipeline where it is, while SIGUSR1 will cause the Luigi task runner to stop scheduling any new tasks, stopping the pipeline cleanly.

RunDataset is able to query the Lims and the run's RunInfo.xml for data. It can also write this data to a sample sheet to be passed to bcl2fastq.

SampleDataset can query the Rest API for run elements and the Lims for the sample's Yield for Quoted Coverage.

ProjectDataset can retrieve the species and genome version of a project.


Subclasses the EGCG-Core NotificationCentre, adding pipeline-specific messaging for start_pipeline, end_pipeline, start_stage, end_stage and crash_report.


Dataset scanners scan the Rest API, returning datasets sorted by dataset status. This is then used by the client to run a new dataset, and can also be printed to stdout for reporting.


This contains the various logic workflows that Analysis-Driver is capable of.

  • pipeline - Takes a dataset object, decides which pipeline to use and runs it.
  • demultiplexing - Runs bcl2fastq, runs QC and filtering on the resulting data, and outputs it. Also outputs extra files produced during sequencing and demultiplexing.
  • var_calling - Finds the relevant fastq files for the SampleDataset, merges them in the job folder and runs bam_file_production and GATK variant calling.
  • bam_file_production - Merges fastqs and runs bwa alignment. Also runs fastqc and samtools stats.
  • qc - Runs bam_file_production and data output.
  • bcbio - Merges fastqs and runs variant calling via BCBio. Can use GATK or Freebayes.

All pipelines are segmented into Luigi tasks, allowing the pipeline to restart a failed dataset from the last successful stage. Most of the classes in quality_control are also implemented as Luigi tasks.


Functions for finding, outputting and archiving output files.


The Analysis Driver is run from bin/

python bin/ (--run | --sample | --project) [--debug] <action>

Valid actions are:

  • --report - Scan for datasets only. Will not list (potentially numerous) completed/failed datasets
  • --report-all - As above, but report all datasets
  • --skip <datasets...> - Mark a dataset as complete
  • --abort <datasets...> - Mark a dataset as aborted - these will not be picked up by the dataset scanner
  • --reset <datasets...> - Mark a dataset for re-running from the start
  • --resume <datasets...> - Mark a dataset for re-running from the last completed stage
  • --force <datasets...> - Mark a sample for processing, even if below the data threshold
  • --stop <datasets...> - Stop the PID of a running dataset
  • --soft-stop <datasets...> - Stop scheduling new tasks for a running dataset

If no action is given, one new dataset will be processed. Run recurrently through Cron to periodically scan datasets and kick off one at a time.

To ignore datasets (or indeed any non-dataset directories) in the configured location, a .triggerignore file can be written in the same place, where each line is the folder name. Any directories listed in this file will not be picked up by the scanner.

Integration tests

There is a set of end-to-end pipeline tests to be run on compute infrastructure. These require test input data, a config file describing expected output data, and a built Docker image of Reporting-App.