Instructions GitHub Use
Clone a Repository 1-Copy the URL repository on GitHub webpage 2-Terminal--> git clone URL *-
Git Configuration for the cloned respository 1-Terminal--> git config --global "your GitHub UserName" 2-Terminal --> git config --global ""
Remembering your username and password 1-Terminal--> git config --global credential.helper cache 2-Terminal--> git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=28800'
Compile 1-Terminal--> Go to the main repository folder 2-Terminal--> Catkin Build
Commit & Push 1-Go to the /B212_P1_ROB16/src 1-Terminal--> git add nodes 2-Terminal--> git commit -m 'message about the commit' 3-Terminal--> git push
Pull 1-Terminal--> git pull
If pull doesn't work becuase of unresolved conflicts, you can hard reset.
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
WARNING - this forces your local repository to become overwritten by the remote master that you just fetched.
Git Commands and KeyWords in detail