It is a semester project for the course of Software Construction & Development. The frontend part consist of HTML/CSS/BOOTSTRAP and backend uses JAVA/JSP/MYSQL.
We have two stakeholders for our software
- Student
- Admin
The Student can view all the books available in Library System and can search through all the books using ID and Name.
The Student can also print the Library Card by entering his id.
The Admin must first authorise to get access.
Following are the main features provided to admin module.
Admin can
- Add New Books
- Add New Students
- Check Registered Students
- Checkout all the Books including adding and deleting books using ID and Name
- Can remove a Student from Libray access
- Issue/Return a book
- Eclipse Ide
- MySQL Workbench
- Ehtesham Zafar
- Hassan Ali
- Amna Mubarak